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Help- Kennedy promised 'to ask Congress to act' and gave his support to the March on Washington. Kennedy made it clear that he was prepared to put his weight behind the Civil Rights Bill. 28 August 1963 ( ToluWilliams )

Help - Kennedy allowed the March on Washington to go ahead in 1963 (KML)

Help - Kennedy pressed for Martin Luther King's release in october 1960 ( Sarrah 'Sugar' Sillah )

Kennedy passed a new civil rights bill in June 1963 <>< abdurahman boudiaf

In 1960, President Kennedy endorsed sit-ins and made promises to introduce a civil right bill (its a discussion of making a new law) (Madiya and Eliz )

Help-In June in 1963 Kennedy commited himself to getting a new civil rights passed and enforced. (Leftyzz ;)

Help - Kennedy winning the votes showed that the civil rights movement was supported by a powerful man ( Sarrah 'Sugar' Sillah )

Kennedy tried to reduce poverty i both urban and rural areas by the Area Redevelopment Act od 1961. this helped because it showed that Kennedy had support for urban areas and if he supported, some Americans would also support. (Isaac 'Eyezn15' Collins)

Please answer this question by dividing into help / hinder / reasons:

Help - Kennedy allowed the March on Washington to go ahead in 1963 (KML)

Help - Kennedy did on 22 November 1961 he asked for the reports on the progress on the civil rights with the United States Commision on civil rights. (Shabneez)

Hinder - All his commission were white people (Shabneez)

Dani + A.B.

Help-Kennedy had worked to end inequality. He had brought 50 cases in 4 states where black Americans denied the right to vote. A black student called James Meredith who in 1963 was prevented to take his studies at university of Mississippi. Kennedy sent US troops to escort James to his classes. the troops stayed until James had got his degree. Kennedy threatened Federal troops to allow black students into the University of Alabama. George Wallace was trying to prevent integration.

Kennedy originally didnt want the march to go ahead he tried tro stop it. Then he said he wanted to limit the number of people;e allowed. After the march he said he would fully support the movement .(Naeem and Isaac.F =)

Help - Once Kennedy became president, he's wishes were to push through effective civil rights laws and enforce them. =) Luziia Panda 'Pop'

Help- In June 1963 after the great event that shocked the world. President Kennedy gave a television speech that supported black civil rights. He said that the words'land of the free' for some reason did not aply to the 'negroes'. He said it was unfair. (Amal Mahamud XD)

Civil rights campaigner were upset with Kennedy's lack of action, especially he wasn't successful to desegregate government funded housing. He promised to do it as soon as possible during the election. In November 1962, he ordered to desegregate housing but he didnt enforce as a law.


Hinder - Kennedy wanted to keep the senate happy, so he was less forceful than everyone would have hoped. Luziia Panda 'Pop'

Help- Kennedy gave key governmental posts to black Americans. For example Carl Rowan became Ambassador to Finland. A committee in Equal Employment in March 1961. (Claire & Marwo

hinder- the people from SNCC felt that Kennedy refusing to 'anger southern authorities' would make it harder to the pass the law that meant black people could vote(Antoine)

Help - Kennedy gave some key government jobs to black people and set up committees to work out how to improve education, housing and work opportunities for black people.

=) Luziia Panda 'Pop'

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they helped the Civil Rights Movement <3 APEX

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Yes, Robert Kennedy was a big supporter of human and civil rights movements. Many people attribute this to him have a mentally retarded sister, Rosemary.

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