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US President Woodrow Wilson was surprised to learn how the executives of European powers were not open with their own governments concerning treaties. Before the war, for example, the French Assembly did not know about certain important clauses in the French alliance with Russia. Also, the British Foreign Secretary had not informed his own cabinet nor the Parliament concerning military agreements between the French and British General Staffs.

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Q: What did US President Woodrow Wilson find out about executive secrecy in the Allied governments in World War 1?
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What twentieth century US president had a total disdain for government secrecy?

Both as a scholar and later as US president, Woodrow Wilson wrote extensively against government secrecy. For example here is one quote from President Wilson, " I for my part believe there ought to be no place where anything can be done....where everyone does not know". Also, "Secrecy means impropriety".

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For the most part, US President John F. Kennedy receives high marks from historians regarding government secrecy. There is a consensus among most US historians that Kennedy was the only president after WW 2 to show any interest in slowing down the secrecy machine. His successors and their administrations seemed to have thrived on secrecy.

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On March 8, 1972, President Nixon issued Executive Order 11652. Two months later, David Young, a Nixon appointee was asked by Congress to testify on the new order. The White House invoked executive privilege to deny Congress the information. The irony of this was that the executive order was supposed to help reduce secrecy.

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US President Nixon appeared to liberalize US secrecy regulations. He issued Executive Order 11652 to reduce the number of agencies and officials allowed to stamp documents secret. The Order also created an automatic procedure for declassification. The problem, however, was that it broadened the types of documents that could be classified as Top Secret.

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Secrecy was not confided to the executive branch. While congressional committees condemned the secrecy within the executive branch, it was also part of the House and Senate. Behind closed doors they were determined to "mark up" appropriations, tax and other special interest group legislation behind closed doors.

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President Nixon's solution concerning the lack of confidence in the government's secrecy system was to avoid disclosures that made the public lose confidence in the first place. He attempted to make secrecy an even more absolute presidential weapon. This solution was headed a dead end along with many other of his policies he had designed to revolutionize the presidency, which basically entailed giving the executive branch even more powers, if that was even possible.

Who administers the oath of office and secrecy the president?

The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Who administers the oath of office and secrecy to the president of India?

Chief Justice of India

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In 1950 US President Harry Truman issued a new executive order covering military secrets, which superseded the one issued by President Franklin D. Roosevelt ten years earlier. In 1951 he issued another executive order which extended secrecy to non military agencies. Unlike President Roosevelt, Truman made no effort to cite case law to support the order which was broad and deep. The order was so vague that it gave the president far reaching powers and this caused some controversy on Capitol Hill.

Does the president get to keep his limo?

No, after the president's term is over, the Secret Service destroys the limo to maintain secrecy of its armor infrastructure

Why is the president of India not administered oath of secrecy?

AsPresident is not involved in financial matters of central.