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The Palmer Raids occurred during a time when Americans were fearful of anarchists, communists, and immigrants in general. Italians were considered to all be mobsters or criminals, or radicals or anarchists. The Attorney-General took advantage of those feelings to advance his political career by rounding up immigrants and those he accused or assumed to be anarchists.

The Italian immigrants, Sacco and Vanzetti, were arrested for an armed robbery in South Braintree, Massachusetts, in which a guard and a paymaster were killed. They were promptly found guilty and sentenced to die in the electric chair. The newly formed American Civil Liberties Union, Italian-American groups, and labor organizations publicized the fact that there was no hard evidence against the two and some of the evidence was invented by the prosecution The Judge at their trial was openly prejudiced against the Italians and called them "damned dagos." Sacco and Vanzetti admitted to being radicals in their political beliefs but proclaimed their innocence of the crime.

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Q: What did both the Palmer raids and the Sacco And Vanzetti case demonstrate about the red scare?
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What name was given to the raids during the 1920's in which police arrested thousands of suspected radicals?

The raids were named the "Palmer Raids," after the U.S. Attorney General at the time, A. Mitchell Palmer. Conducted under the leadership of Palmer, these raids targeted individuals suspected of being involved in communist or anarchist activities during the Red Scare of the 1920s.

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to arrest people who were thought to be radicals

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A reduction in anarchy or any growth in radical networks would have been a positive outcome of the Palmer raids. A lot of the efforts carried out by the Palmer raids were written off and some liens were denounced.

What name was given to the raids during the 1920's in which police thousands of suspected radicals?

The raids were known as the "Palmer Raids," named after the U.S. Attorney General at the time, A. Mitchell Palmer. The raids targeted individuals suspected of being involved in radical or anarchist activities, with many being arrested and deported without due process.

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During the First Red Scare the raids on suspected political radicals were known as Palmer Raids, named after US Attorney General Alexander Palmer, who ordered the US Justice Department to conduct the raids.

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A. Mitchell Palmer. Not quite sure what the A. stood for though... lol. :)

Who was attorney general during the Red Scare?

Mitchel Palmer, who started the Palmer Raids.

What was given to the raids during the S's in which police arrested thousands of suspected radicals?

Palmer Raids.