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They learnt arithmetic, spelling, writing, sometimes swimming, Archery and Basketball if you were wealthy and went to a private academy.

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Q: What did children learn at school in the 1900's?
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By the 1900s children's attendance at school has become a legal requirement in 31 states because?

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What do Egyptian school children do at school?

I assume you mean modern school children. They do what school children do all over the world and learn to do math, read, write, and learn about the history of their nation.

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They learn what we learn in high school when they are in middle school or grade school.

How does grammar relate to communication?

There is no verbal communication without grammar, except for exclamations consisting of single words, such as "Help!" or "Ouch." Grammar determines the form and the placement of words in an utterance, according to the meaning intended. It turns mere words into communication. Without grammar the words school, children, learn and in, for example, may be arranged in many different ways, all meaningless: learn school in children, in children school learn, in learn school children, school children in learn and so on. With grammar these words become meaningful communication: In school children learn, or Children learn in school.

Did San Francisco school board voted to segregate Asian children in school during the early 1900s.?

Yes this is True.

Did the San Francisco school board vote to segregate Asian children in school during the early 1900s?

Yes this is True.

Did children have to go to school in the early 1900s?

Children were required to attend school back in the 1800's.Mississippi was the last state to enact a compulsory attendance law in 1917.

What did children learn at school?

They get knowledge &learn the costom culture of country.