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Q: What did democritus and Aristotle think about the composition of matter?
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Did Democritus describe that Atoms are small hard particles?

No, Democritus was the first to think of atoms, Dalton thought the atom was an indestructible sphere.

Who described atoms that they are small hard particles?

John Dalton. N.B.: John Dalton [born: September 6, 1776; died: July 27, 1844, at age 67] was an English chemist and physicist who claimed matter was made up of tiny particles and that these particles were identical for any given kind of matter. Moreover, he claimed these particles were indivisible and could neither be created nor destroyed in any chemical process, only be altered in the manner they were grouped.

Why did democritus think atoms existed?

democritus believed that the atom or was basically just teeny bits of whatever the base object is. the word atom comes from "atomos" wich means that you cant break it down any farther.

What is any type of matter with a fixed composition?

This looks like a pretty basic question, although asked out of context, it is tricky. The same composition is called "definite" composition. The more technical term should make us think of the classification of matter. Pure substances have definite composions as opposed to mixtures that have variable composition. Your answer is pure substances. Pure substances can be either compounds, made of 2 or more kinds of atoms or elements make of 1 kind of atom.

When and what was Aristotle's atomic theory?

Aristotle disbelieved the ancient Greek theory of atoms being of different sizes, regular geometric shapes and being in constant motion. He didn't think atoms could be in constant motion in a void. He developed the theory that all matter consisted of four elements: Earth, Air, Water and Fire. There were also four qualities: dryness, hotness, coldness, and moistness. Fire was dry and hot, water was moist and cold, etc. Each of these elements move naturally in a line to their "proper place," where it will be at rest. Aristotle's theory also had two forces: conflict and harmony. Conflict was thought to cause bad things, and harmony good things. Aristotle also believed that the heavens were made of a fifth, superior element named either. Aristotle's theory was used for almost 2000 years, until after the scientific revolution, when other theories prevailed.

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What did democritus and aristole think if matter is in separate bits or is it continuous?

aristotle thgt it was continuos but democritus didn't

What did Democritus and Aristotle do that is so important?

He was the first person to discover the existence of atoms in the 4th century B.C.

What did Aristotle think an atom looked like?

Greek philosopher Aristotle had thoughts about the composition of matter, however, he didn't believe in the existence of small particles, which means he didn't have an atomic model. He believed all different substances were conformed of water, fire, air and earth.

What did democritus think that matter was made of?

Atoms. He also knew that atoms never truly touched.

What did Democritus think that atoms look like?

•460 B.C. did a Greek philosopher, Democritus, made the idea of atoms. He asked this question: "If you break a piece of matter in half, and then break it in half again, how many breaks will you have to make before you can break it no further?" Democritus thought that it ended at some point, a smallest possible bit of matter. He called these basic matter particles, atoms. I doubt he had any opinion on that.

What did Democritus think the world was made of?

Democritus thought that the world was composed of atoms .

What is any matter that has a fixed composition and definite properties?

You think probable to a chemical compound. But today the theory of the fixed composition is not generally valid.

Did democritus teach?

atomism i think

Who did Democritus teach?

atomism i think

What did Aristotle think about matter?

Aristotle believed that everything was made from the four elements: fire, water, air, and earth. He also believed that the elements could be transformed into one another.

What did Democritus think the atom was?

Democritus' atomic theory states that atoms are indivisible. That's why they have their name. Atoms is a plural of atom. Atom derives from Atoms. Atoms is greek for INDIVISIBLE. His theory states that atoms cannot be divided any further.

What matter that has a fixed chemical composition and distinct properties is?

You think probable to a chemical compound.