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Q: What did king arthur do wrong as a leader?
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What are some peoples opinion of King Arthur?

The peoples opinion of king Arthur where that they thought he was a true leader

What did King Arthur believe in?

He believed that he was a leader not a fighter

What made King Arthur a good leader?

Lots of historians believe that Arthur made a good king by doing the exact opposite of what his father did.

Who is the protagonist in King Arthur?

King Arthur is the protagonist in Arthurian legend. He is a legendary British leader who, according to medieval histories and romances, led the defense of Britain against Saxon invaders in the late 5th and early 6th centuries.

What period did King Arthur live in?

The Tale of King Arthur is based on a military leader who was in power circa 450 AD. Little is known about him other than that he was more of a military leader than a political leader (meaning the title king is probably a misnomer, and something like general would be more appropriate.) He was known to have great fighting skills.

Name the famous city where king arthur lived?

King Arthur is said to have lived in Camelot, a legendary city in Arthurian folklore. Camelot is often portrayed as a mythical and majestic place where King Arthur held court with his Knights of the Round Table.

What does King Arthur look like?

King Arthur is often depicted as a noble and regal figure with a beard, wearing elaborate medieval armor and wielding a sword, such as Excalibur. He is typically shown as a strong and charismatic leader with a crown or helmet symbolizing his royalty.

What time did king arthur lived in?

King Arthur is a legendary king and did not exist.

King of the Britain's in King Arthur's time?

King Arthur was king of Britain

What values does King Arthur seem to represent?

King Arthur represents values such as honor, bravery, loyalty, chivalry, and justice. He is often depicted as a noble, wise, and compassionate leader who upholds these virtues in his quest for a righteous and harmonious kingdom.

What was king Arthur like as king?

king arthur was nice and overprotective

Who is the hero in the story of King Arthur?

king arthur