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While some insist on local favorites like snail salad and coffee milk, the vast majority are like most Americans who indulge in great International Cuisine as a matter of routine. That means that they mix and match as the mood strikes them. Pizza, Chinese, Golden Arches, KFC, Taco Bell, Cambells Chicken Noodle Soup and a grilled cheese sandwich. They enjoy French Fries, French Toast, and Belgian Waffles. Corned Beef and Cabbage is American Cuisine but is enjoyed on Saint Patricks Day. BBQ and Baked Beans seem to have a universal appeal, Virginia Ham and Omaha Steaks are hard to pass by and there are Sushi lovers and a few who indulge themselves with crab, clams, oysters, lobster and haggis.

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Q: What did people in Rhode Island eat in 2008?
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What are some foods rhode island people eat?

they mostly like roasted squid or the corn dogs .

What do Rhode Island people eat?

Home cooking, Chinese, Pizza Hut or McDonalds. They do have local favorites but they eat like any American.

What is Rhode Island's state animal?

It has an Official Bird (Rhode Island Red Chicken), Official Fish (Striped Bass) and an Official Shell (Quahog) but it has no designated Official Animal.Rhode Island does not have an Official State Animal.

What were the goals people wanted to achieve in colonial Rhode Island?

Not eat people for 2 days. What a sure is awkward P.S. Do you smell butter?

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What do Rhode Island reds eat?

They eat everything that other chickens eat, as long as it is not stale

What type of food did people eat in colonial Rhode island?

mostly seafood ( fish, whale, crab, octopus, squid, and ect..) and wheat.

What is Rhode Island's-minerals?

well not of people eat fruits so they get so so so so so so so FAT

How much does a Rhode Island Red eat a day?

1/8 cups a day

What did people in Rhode Island eat in 1636?

The three Native American staple product of corn beans and squash supplemented by game, fishing and domestic animals.

Is the nordic lodge in rhode island closed?

The all you can eat seafood buffet is still open.

Where are Rhode Island red chickens located?

You can get a Rhode Island Red hen from a farmer who raises chickens. You can also order them on line.