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Q: What did southern states gave required voters to read and explain part of the conistitution?
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The compromise of 1877 required that federal troops do what?

Leave the southern states immediately

What did the compromise of 1877 required that federal troops do?

Leave the southern states immediately

What required 50 percent of southern voters to take an oath of loyalty to the Union before the southern states could regain their status as states?

The Wade-Davis Bill

What did some southern states required from African American voters?

Poll taxes and literacy tests

Why did the southern states secede the union?

because the constitution enabled the northern states to control all money in the country. it kept the northern states in power f mney and the southern states nd kept them poor

What slave act was added to this compromise to please southern states?

The Fugitive Slave Act was added to the Compromise of 1850 to please southern states. This act required that all runaway slaves be returned to their owners, even if they were in free states.

How many southern states where there?

there was thirteen southern states?????? there was thirteen southern states??????

What law was passed to help Southern states capture runaway slaves?

The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 was passed to aid Southern states in capturing runaway slaves. This law required Northern states to assist in capturing and returning escaped slaves to their owners.

Is the growing season longer in the northern states or in the southern states?

southern states

Were did most of battles fought in northern states or southern states?

In southern States.

Were the southern states confederate or union?

The southern states were Confederate states. The northern states were part of the Union. :)

Largest state of the Southern States?

Texas is the largest of the Southern states.