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Land, Tax, more knowledge taken from the people of Chinese [if they have some that the British did not], more CHEAP Labour, more resources...etc. etc.

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Q: What did the British Empire get out of china being part of the British empire?
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When did china join the British empire?

China never joined the British Empire. However, two small parts of China were part of the British Empire. Weihaiwei-1898-1930 Hong Kong-1841-1997

Did the british replace the mughal empire?

They replace The Mughal Empire in China

Was china part of the British Empire?


When was the British empire about?

The British Empire entered existence in 1583 with the conquest of Newfoundland and ended in 1997 with the handover of Hong Kong to China. The British Empire existed for 414 years.

What natons were more populous than the US by 1800?

Qing Dynasty (China) British Empire Indian Empire Russia

Was Mongolia part of the british Empire?

No. China and Russia were in the way for starters

What did the British empire get out of Caribbean being part of the British empire?

The empire got trade goods like spice, herbs, fabrics, rice, tea Bigger and better empire Opium was a huge export from India, especially into China which created huge revenue for the British Empire.

When did Hong Kong leave the british empire?

Hong Kong was no longer part of the British Empire on July 1, 1997. It is now a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of China.

Why did Japan chose to attempt to Conquer China?

they wanted an empire, just like the british had

Four or Five most Populous nations 1870 through 1970 on earth?

Late Nineteenth Century: British Empire, Qing Empire, Russian Empire, United States Early to Mid Twentieth Century: Republic of China, British Empire, United States, Soviet Union (not in order)

Who conquered biggest ever land empire?

The biggest Empire in the world was the British Empire, it was the biggest Empire the world has ever seen by far! It stretched right around the globe and a saying was born "the sun never sets on the British empire" because a part of the empire was always in daylight. Here is a map of the world, bits marked red was under British rule: AS a matter of fact the mongolian empire was the biggest ever seen It was ruled by chinggis khan. And it was 4 times the roman empire at its peak. However, when chinggis khan died, the empire shrunk a lot. The empire is the size of Europe and china together!

Which empire invented paper?

han dynasty of China empire