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The British gave leases on military installations in Great Britain, Bermuda & Newfoundland, hence the name Lend-Lease. As the question implies, the fifty American destroyers were old and obsolete, but they were needed, and one of them was put to good use for the Saint-Nazaire raid. It is endlessly debatable which country got the better end of this deal.

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Q: What did the British give the US in return for the old American destroyers?
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How did Roosevelt give Churchill the destroyers he requested?

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What did Britain give the US in exchange for fifty American destroyers?


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The Destroyers for Bases Agreement was reached in September of 1940. Roosevelt sent destroyer ships to Churchill in exchange for the use of rent free British bases.

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Well they allied with the British because the British promised to give the Natives land in return. In a sense, the British persuaded/bribed the Natives into being allies with them.

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Well they allied with the British because the British promised to give the Natives land in return. In a sense, the British persuaded/bribed the Natives into being allies with them.

Phrase in American English?

British-English: "Could I have a pint of best bitter please?" American-English: "Give me a beer."

What was the purpose of the so called Destroyer-Bases deal Why was it controversial?

3 September 1940: US Congress approved the transfer of 50 WWI-era destroyers to the British in return for 99 year leases of naval bases in British territories (Antigua, St. Lucia, Trinidad, British Guiana, Bahamas, & Jamaica) in the Caribbean Sea & at Argentia, Newfoundland.The purpose was to quickly provide Britain with large numbers of escort vessels that could be used to protect convoys from the German U-Boat menace in the Atlantic Ocean. The US as an officially neutral nation could not openly give military equipment to Britain without some form of payment. That form of payment was the British granting of leases (usage) of British bases to the US. There were some critics of the deal: some thought the deal violated US neutrality; some British thought the deal was too favorable for the Americans.In reality it was a win-win deal for both parties. The US was able to expand & improve these bases that could be used by both British (incl. Canadian) & American air & naval units to help provide coverage for British convoys. The bases gave the American military places to operate from that were closer to the geographic locations being supported. The destroyers provided to the Royal Navy were modified by them to enhance their range & ASW capability.