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They worked, and if they weren't well or strong enough to work, they were killed with the rest of the Jews who were killed.

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Q: What did the Jews do when Hitler put them to work?
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Were the Jews out to destroy Hitler?

No, Hitler was an antisemitic racist, he was out to destroy all Jews. Hitler was a evil man who killed all Jews at special camps he raped the women and put them in gas chambers or put them to work till death.

Why did Hitler made camps for Jews?

to have them incinerated and to have them work the women and children were killed and the men were put to work.

What was the main reason Jews hated Hitler?

There is a good possibilty that Jewish animus towards Hitler derives from the latter's desire to annihilate the former. (I.e. Jew hate Hitler because Hitler wanted to kill all of the Jews.)

Why did Hitler put out that propaganda about the Jews?

Hitler put out propoganda about the jews to make people think that they were bad. he also did it so when he murdered and tortured the jews they would be less likely to turn away from him.

Who put the Jews in concentration camps in 1938?


What did Adolf Hitler progressively put in place to wipe out the Jews?

== ==

Who was the person who made the Jews be put in the holocaust?

Adolf Hitler

Did Hitler dislike gay people?

Yes, Hitler disliked gay people, and put them into the same sub-human category that he put Jews into.

How many Jews were put to death by Hitler's command?

Adolf Hitler sent 6.7 Million Jews to their deaths.

Why did Hitler hate jewa?

Hitler hated Jews becasue he believed they were an inferior race and he also believed that they were responsible for Germany losing the First World War. He basically blamed the Jews for all problems.

Why were Jews unable to escape to other countries when Hitler came to power?

cause hitler was against Jews and thought of them as savages and treated them as that by making them work and killing them

Did Hitler capture Jews himself?

No. His Nazi soldiers did the dirty work for him.