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The Vandals stayed in southern Spain for only 20 years. Then they moved on to Africa because of the arrival of the Visigoths.

The Vandals did not actually capture Spain. They controlled only Andalusia in the south. They had reached Spain with the two other peoples who had crossed into Gaul with them: the Sueves and the Alans. Alan Kingdom was much bigger than the area controlled by the Vandals. It covered Lusitania (most of Portugal), part of central Spain (in the present day regions of Extremadura and Castile La Mancia) and the regions of Valencia and Murcia, on the southeastern coast. The Sueves established the Kingdom of Gallaecia (northwest Spain and northern Portugal). The Romans still controlled the north, much of central Spain and the eastern coast. The Vandals were Roman allies while they were in Spain.

When the Visigoths invaded Spain, they attacked the Alans and killed their king. The Alans asked the Vandal king to take the Alan crown. Most of the Alans moved to Africa with the Vandals.

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Q: What did the Vandals to to the Romans when they captured modern day Spain?
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The Romans occupied southern and eastern Spain for seven centuries. They took southern Spain over from the Carthaginians in 206 BC when Scipio Africanus defeated them there. It became the Roman province of Hispania Ulterior (Further Spain). They also turned the east coast into the province of Hispania Citerior (Nearer Spain). The rest of Spain was conquered much later. Lusitania (Portugal and western Spain) was conquered in 139 BC. North-western Spain was conquered in the Cantabrian Wars (29-19 BC) during the reign of Augustus. The Vandals, Alans and Sueves settled in Hispania (Spain and Portugal) as allies of the Romans in the 409 AD. However, the Romans lost control of the area and these peoples formed their own kingdoms. In 415 the emperor Honorius commissioned the king of the Visigoths to restore order in Hispania and gave him the right to settle there and govern the area in exchange for defending it. In 429 the Vandals and Alans fled to Africa. The Visigoths established their own kingdom and became effectively independent when Honorius was deposed in 476.

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The Romans occupied Spain from 218 B.C.-410 A.D.

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Rome captured Spain in 206 BC.

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