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The world trade center symbolized the power of capitalism and the freedom it represents. Now days the ruins are used to symbolize New York's wounded pride and the sacrifice of those who died there. Anything beyond that is personal to the person referencing it.

Another perspective:The WTC and the Sept 11 attacks are one of those watershed moments in history where people will forever ask, "Where were you?" The answer to this question also speaks volumes for what it means to the people of the US and the world.

I was in my classroom when it happened. It was my prep hour and a fellow teacher ran into my class asking if I had seen the TV. When I turned it on, the second tower had just been hit, and the anchorperson was asking, "What is happening? Is this some sort of accident?" I knew immediately and sickeningly that it was not. I knew that the US had just suffered a hugely devastating terrorist attack. There was no question in my mind. I knew too what it would mean.

I struggled for the rest of the day to keep my emotions hidden from my students. some of them had heard what was happening, and I tried to lead discussion so that I could protect them as much as possible. It was one of the most difficult things I have ever done. The emotions well up inside me now even as I'm writing this.

At the end of the day, a special staff meeting was called to strategize how we would handle it the next day. How would we help our kids get through any emotional trauma or negative emotions. I suggested keeping them busy. Get them talking. Give them a project to work on. Let them express what they felt. Our eighth grade team decided we would do just that and started building a model frame of the towers to let the kids write on cards how they felt and hang on the frame. Within a day it was full and the kids started covering the table top. By the end of the next week, the table was covered and so was most of the wall behind it.

In that meeting, I sobbed like a child. I have no embarrassment for my emotional reaction. I knew what was coming and said so. I knew it was the beginning of war and that thousand perhaps tens of thousands of our kids were going to die in it. I grieved for every student I had known who would sacrific himself or herself to go and serve only to be sent home in a box. I cried for the lost limbs and broken lives. And, I sobbed because I knew that most of those who went would not know the real reason for it all.

I'm no prophet. But I saw it. And I cried. I still do whenever I see the Towers in a photo or an old movie. I cry for the lives lost to us.

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