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Actually, despite the fact that history books will make it seem like everyone lost their jobs and their homes, only some Americans experienced that. What the depression meant depended on how you were affected. For example, some immigrants that had moved from poverty in their home country, or at least a very meager existence, did not realize they were in a depression. Used to hard work and little pay back in their home country (for example the poor villages of Italy, Germany, Hungary etc), they were able to adapt to the depression here much better than other Americans who were not used to manual labor and low pay. If you talk to these people today, they will tell you, that as children during the depression, they did not even know there was a depression. But many Americans were affected by the depression. They lost their life savings that they had placed in banks for safe keeping. They lost their jobs and their homes. The job market dried up and many Americans were forced to move or to beg. And of course, almost everyone felt some kind of effect of the depression. Even if you did not lose your job, home and/or life savings, you may have seen a reduction in your pay, less items to buy in the stores. Most Americans learned how to live very frugally and they continued that way of life even after the depression was over. For example, many Americans would save every scrap of paper, tin, glass or cloth long after the depression was over because they were so affected by the depression that they couldn't get rid of the feelings they had during the depression. The feelings that every material thing is fleeting and could be lost at any moment. There are Americans today that save every scrap of small soap bar after it has been worn down to thin pieces. When they have enough they heat them all up and make one big bar of soap. Although Franklin D. Roosevelt is credited by many of these people as the one who got them out of the depression, it was actually the onset of WWII and people being employed in the military industries that got us out of the depression.

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Q: What did the depression mean for the Americans who lived at the time?
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