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The admission of California as free soil, and the abolition of the slave-trade in DC.

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Q: What did the north gain during the Compromise of 1850?
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What the north gain from the compromise of 1850?

They gained all states above the imaginary line, i dont remember where it was set

What are three reasons why The Missouri Compromise of 1820 and the compromise of 1850 could be the leading cause to the American civil war?

The Missouri Compromise was not a cause of the war - it was a reasonable deal that delayed hostilities for forty years. The Compromise of 1850 included a provision to toughen-up the Fugitive Slave Act, and this became an emotive issue in the North, especially when Uncle Tom's Cabin was published soon after.

What did the north and south gain and give up in the Missouri Compromise?

The Missouri Compromise provided that no Slave State could be established to the north of a line represented by the parallel 36° 30' coincident with the Southern boundary of Missouri.

How did the compromise of 1850 settled the debate over slavery in the land that the us gain after the mexcain war?

It permitted slavery in those two states, as the price of California being admitted as free soil.

What law did Missouri follow in order to gain statehood?

The Missouri Compromise, which said that slavery was to be banned anywhere north of the 36th parallel, with the exception of Missouri.

What did the south gain from the Compromise of 1877?

problems were solved

What are the advantages and disadvantages of The Missouri Compromise?

An advantage to the Missouri Compromise of 1820 was that slavery would not be permitted in the territory that is now the state of Missouri. A disadvantage to the Missouri Compromise was that people who believed in slavery in the South could not move north to gain more land and keep their slaves.

What did those who favored slavery gain from Clay's compromise proposal?

Clay had a hand in both the main Compromises. 1820 - the legality of new slave-states, South of a certain parallel. 1850 - the new toughened-up Fugitive Slave Act.

Can you please use the word compromise for a second grader?

If we can compromise we will both give up a little but we will gain a lot.

What did the South gain in the Compromise of 1850 in return for agreeing to let California join the Union as a free state?

The chance for a couple more slave-states, and a tighter enforcement of the Fugutive Slave Act, with official slave-catchers employed to hunt down runaways.

How did Maine gain statehood?

It entered the Union as a result of the Missouri Compromise.

Why did the small states accept the Great Compromise?

to gain protection land