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E.g. horses, sailing ships, wind mills, water mills. And human muscle power, of course.

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Q: What did they use in the early 1700's instead of electricity?
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What did the Romans use instead of electricity?

I really dont have a effin cluee x

What do we use solar for?

we use it for regular energy appliances without wasting electricity and hurting the earth and we use the sun instead.

What do we use solar energy for?

we use it for regular energy appliances without wasting electricity and hurting the earth and we use the sun instead.

Would it be possible to use tubes of water instead of metal cables to deliver electricity to homes because water conducts electricity?

It is not practically possible.

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Steps to save electricity?

There are many ways to save electricity. A few examples are to take showers instead of baths, wash clothes in cold water, unplug appliances not in use, and switch to CFL lighting instead of incandescent bulbs.

What is the physics behind windmills?

Windmills use the dynamo effect to create electricity (electrical generator) Dynamo is like a motor but backwards creating electricity instead of using it.

Why are leds use instead of light bulbs?

LEDs save a lot of electricity, whitch goes on your electric bills.

What alternative energy source could you use instead of coal?

Natural gas Wind power (for production of electricity)

What else can Americans use instead of oil?

Current alternatives include electricity, solar energy, and nuclear energy.

Who invented the portable weigh scale?

Portable jewelry scales began to appear in the 1700s AD, but the designs were very similar to balances that had been in use as early as 4000 BC.

What energy sources can you use instead of electricity?

water, for example during the industrial revolution the water wheel was powered by water.