

What did women use before there were tampons?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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==== nothing ==== Some ancient cultures used small sea sponges. Women also used rags, thus the saying, "on the rag"

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Q: What did women use before there were tampons?
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What did ladies use before menstrual cups?

Women would use tampons or menstrual pads. There are also options like menstrual release too.

Do tampons go on men?

Some men can use tampons, but not cis men.Some men are born with a vagina and a uterus so will menstruate, thus they may want to use tampons or other menstrual products just like women. Some men will also use tampons for first aid, tampons are the perfect size and shape to insert into your nostrils during a nosebleed.

Why can't women feel tampons?

Women can feel tampons, it's just often they feel less obvious than pads and women learn to get used to them - some women cannot use tampons because they feel more obvious to them, also most women who switch from tampons to menstrual cups will tell you that tampons can be felt! Women's vagina's are not that sensitive, especially not further up the vaginal canal, so once in place they are not that noticeable - we don't have much in the way of nerve endings in the vagina.

How do women athletes deal with periods?

they take sanitary napkins or tampons with them, and use sanitary wipes to keep themselves clean in a forward environment.

Do Chinese women use tampons?

Chinese people don't use tampons because they think that it will thake away your virginity, and Chinese men often prefer a virgin to be their wife.

Why do women need tampons?

Tampons are used during menstruation or withdrawal bleeds, they are inserted vaginally to absorb flow before it leaves the body. Some girls wear tampons because they prefer internal options and may prefer these to menstrual cups, softcups, or menstrual sponges. Some girls do not like tampons or internal options at all so will use external options like pads or period underwear instead.

Should you use Jr Tampons?

There's nothing to say that you should use tampons full-stop, you have other options you can use instead. Jr tampons are light absorbency tampons, only named jr tampons in the US to try to encourage young women to use tampons earlier in order for tampon companies to increase product loyalty early. If you do use tampons you should always use lowest absorbency for your flow, if that means using jr tampons then those are the ones that you will use.

What did the Romans use for tampons?

there was no such thing as a tampon back then. that is how the saying "got ya rags" came about

What do Amish women use when they are on their period?

They use old bed sheets or dish towls torn up. It is agaisnt thier belief to buy any type of tampons.

What do women do to catch the blood they get on their period?

Use sanitary wear, like Sanitary Towels, Tampons for example

Is it safe to use a tampon if you've only just turned 12 it's my 5 or 6th period and I really want to use tampons but I don't know if it's safe?

It's not advisable to use tampons at such a young age.Younger women are at greater risk of Toxic Shock Syndrome because they are less likely to have TSST-1 antibodies and they have more delicate vaginal tissues which are more easily damaged by tampon use (this allows TSST-1 toxins into the bloodstream). Often younger women don't know enough about the risks or their other options to be able to make an educated choice about whether to use tampons, and may not be responsible enough to follow precautions.If you really want to use tampons that's up to you, but make sure to follow precautions:Change tampons every 4-6 hours.Alternate with pads as often as possible.Always use the lowest absorbency for your flow.Avoid rayon tampons e.g. Tampax, Playtex, Kotex.Opt for cotton tampons e.g. Emerita, Veeda, Maxim.Do not use tampons when not menstruating.Do not use tampons for spotting or light flow.Do not use tampons overnight while sleeping.Do not use tampons with a vaginal infection.Wash hands before use.Store in a clean dry place.Learn about TSS and TSS symptoms.Learn about risks such as dioxin.Consider safer options like menstrual cups.

Can toxic shock syndrome be prevented?

Women who wear tampons should change them often and use different brands and types of pads and tampons. If a woman really prefers tampons, experts recommend using the lowest possible absorbency product