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Women can feel tampons, it's just often they feel less obvious than pads and women learn to get used to them - some women cannot use tampons because they feel more obvious to them, also most women who switch from tampons to menstrual cups will tell you that tampons can be felt!

Women's vagina's are not that sensitive, especially not further up the vaginal canal, so once in place they are not that noticeable - we don't have much in the way of nerve endings in the vagina.

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9y ago

Guys can use tampons - some men have vagina's and female reproductive organs, so some men will menstruate and need to use menstrual products such as tampons. Cis men can't use tampons because they don't have a vagina or female reproductive organs, tampons are designed to deal with menstrual flow which is something that cis men don't experience.

The exception being that some guys will use tampons to stop nose bleeds.

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11y ago

Males cannot use tampons because their parts are different than females and they don't have a vagina to insert it in. Hope this helps!

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Do tampons go on men?

Some men can use tampons, but not cis men.Some men are born with a vagina and a uterus so will menstruate, thus they may want to use tampons or other menstrual products just like women. Some men will also use tampons for first aid, tampons are the perfect size and shape to insert into your nostrils during a nosebleed.

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epidural , it numbs so you cant feel the pain x

How do women athletes deal with periods?

they take sanitary napkins or tampons with them, and use sanitary wipes to keep themselves clean in a forward environment.

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Well a couple techniques that have been spread through word are: - jumping around / excercise - sexual intercourse - wearing tampons / pads to get the feel of it

Why do i feel a terrible pain in my right side hip and the right side of my butt this only occurs when i wear tampons it sends a shocking pain down my right leg and in the areas I've mentioned?

Tampons can increase menstrual cramps by expanding into the cervix, which is already sensitive during menstruation - this is more common in younger women or women with shorter vaginal canals. Rather than tampons use pads, or if you want to use internal options try softcups or short menstrual cups.

How does a tampon look like when it is outside?

As long as tampons are inserted correctly they can't really be felt. It is normal for women to feel dry when using tampons as they absorb vaginal moisture as well as blood, if sensitive you may be more likely to feel this and a little soreness around the opening of the vagina. Tampons can also increase menstrual cramps, although many women don't realise that the tampons they use are to blame.

Do girls get more pleasure than boys during sex.If yes then how?

It cant really be answered causee - Women don't know what men feel - Men don't know what women feel So that's your answer lol :)

Do employers have to provide tampons?

No, tampons are considered a luxary item (women may prefer to use tampons but they are actually not necissary) thus employers are in no way obliged to provide their female employees with tampons, nor do they have to supply any other menstrual product like menstrual pads or menstrual cups.

Should a girl wear a pad or tampon during football?

A girl should wear whenever she feels comfortable with - it's personal preference.There are more options than just tampons or pads, many active women prefer menstrual cups as they're internal like tampons but safe so unlike tampons can be worn with light flow, for up to 12 hours, they don't increase cramps like tampons can, and don't leak like tampons or pads. If you prefer external options try cloth pads which won't make you sweaty or rub against you as you run, period underwear are another good option as they feel just like normal underwear.

Can toxic shock syndrome be prevented?

Women who wear tampons should change them often and use different brands and types of pads and tampons. If a woman really prefers tampons, experts recommend using the lowest possible absorbency product