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Nylon stockings were a luxury item during WWII and as they were subject to rationing, quiet hard to get. They were very desirable however as it was very fashionable to wear them. Women often just painted/drew a seam on the back of their legs to give the impression they were wearing nylons. The question is "what"did they use. There was a product on sale in drug stores called "Leg-tan" but if you could'nt afford it, like my sisters, they used gravy browning powder, made in water as normal then applied to the legs and allowed to dry before the seam was drawn with eyebrow pencil,by another female, the thicker you applied it ,the darker the "stockings" that was your personal choice, I think most wanted a light shade. Ah ! memories.

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Q: What did women use to paint their legs to make them look like nylons?
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Why did ladies paint their legs?

to make them look like nylons

Why did women paint their legs?

paint them? never heard of a women painting their legs. if so, maybe they like it.

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Because some woman love nylons. I do.

What did women wear to make it seem like they were wearing nylon stockings in world war 2?

They didn't wear stockings. They drew lines down the back of their legs to make it seem like they were wearing seamed nylons.

Why did the women have to give up there nylon stockings?

When the World War 2 effort started they need nylon to make parachutes. So because nylon stockings were so popular women would take a pencil or pen and draw a black line that looked like a seem up the back of their legs to make it look like they were wearing nylons.

Why did the ladies paint their legs in world war 2?

The women could not by silk stockings. They would use a pencil to make the line on the back of their legs to make it look like the line from the silk stockings. The painting was done by the lesser moral gals.

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like you, they didn't

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Was clothing ever rationed in history and if so when?

WORLD WAR TWO! Women would paint lines on their legs to make it look like they were wearing nylon stockings, nylon was being rationed for use in war. (parachutes, etc.)

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No, women in England like to go more natural. Yes we do shave.

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So that they look sophisticated and woman like and not like a MAN!!!