

What diseases come from not eating red meat?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Red meat is not required for a healthy diet.

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Q: What diseases come from not eating red meat?
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No, but eating too much red meat could lead to cancer or cardiovascular problems.

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You should not be giving rabbits meat. Rabbits are herbivores.

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Do Jews eat red meat?

The Torah permits eating (kosher) meat; and on certain (festive) occasions Judaism encourages it. Most Jews eat red meat, though some Jews are vegetarians or have other reasons for not eating red meat. Additionally, for Jews who keep kosher, meat (and fowl) need to be slaughtered and prepared according to kosher specifications.

Where do red meat originally come from?

from Italy

What type of vegetarian occasinally eat red meat poultry or fish?

None. Eating meat isn't vegetarian.

What is the risk of eating red meat?

Very small it is more good for you as it has lots of protein

How do you add turkey and other meat to your diet after being a vegetarian?

After not eating meat for a while, meat will seem like a shock to the system. It's best to ease back into eating meat, starting with turkey and chicken, and eventually (slowly) eating red meat again. Some side effects are stomach aches, and stinky gas.

What get your creatine up?

Creatine is found in red meat, so eating red meats will increase your intake of Creatine. You can also supplement it directly.

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they should start eating healthier and stop eating red meat.