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The top were Consumption, Scarlet Fever, Rickets, Syphilis, Tooth Decay, Lock Jaw, and Blood poison from Splinters. There were also Flu and Cold.

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Q: What diseases did the civilians have during the civil war?
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Why were diseases such a problem during the Civil War?

Poor sanitation conditions was the primary cause of most of the diseases during the American Civil War.

Who was only civilian killed during the civil war?

There were many civilians killed during the Civil War. When Federal forces shelled Atlanta, many civilians were killed, just for one example.

What were the roles civilians played in the American Civil War?

During the American civil war civilians donated belongings to help the war efforts. Civilians also volunteered with medical aid and made weapons and uniforms to soldiers.

What situations did civilians go through during the civil war?

Civilians during wars often went hungry and actually quite miserable

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Why is there so many diseases during the civil war?

Everything wasn't that sanitary, causing diseases.

How many people died of diseases during the civil war?

About 123,452

How many people was killed in the civil war?

Approximatel 620,000 soldiers were killed during the American Civil War. There are no accurate figures of the number of civilians killed.

What did civilians do in their spare time during the civil war?

hide or help because it was a very dangerous time

How many Confederates died of disease during the American Civil War?

Apprxomimately 164,000 Confederate soliers died from diseases during the American Civil War.

How many people were killed in the American civil war in the 1860's?

The term "people" implies civilians; that figure would have to be researched. As for men killed during the US Civil War, for both sides, approximately 800,000 men were killed on the battlefields. Far more than that died from diseases.

What was the leading cause of deaths for soldiers during the Civil War?

Diseases- that include infectous diseases and diseases that result from battle wounds.