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Q: What do Amazon tribes use to hunt?
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Why did the amazon tribes go hunting?

Well diffrent tribes had to hunt in there locations. Like the amazon they lived in the rainforests so that's were they had to hunt they like to stay within there boundrys

How do the Amazon tribes hunt?

Amazon tribes are typically known to hunt by trapping, spearing, shooting with a bow and arrow, or using a poisoned dart in a blow-gun! Or even catching food by hand, i.e. fish or insects or birds, lizards, eggs, etc. Amazon tribes also hunt in groups of up to 3 or 4 people per trip.

How do tribes survive the weather in the amazon rainforest?

Tribes living in the rainforest climates survive by living off the land. They eat foods they find in the rainforest, they use materials they find in the rainforest to build their homes, and they hunt.

What people use the Amazon River?

Some tribes use it.

Did Aztecs hunt in tribes?

Yes, the Aztecs hunted in tribes or groups. Hunting was often a communal activity that involved cooperation and coordination among members of the tribe to track and take down prey. This practice was essential for their survival and provided a way to procure food and resources for the community.

How did the tribes of the eastern woodlawns use natural resorses to suport themselves?

The tribes of the eastern Woodlawns use natural resources to support themselves to hunt,farm, and for building materials.

What did toromona people use for food and clothing?

The Toromona still belong to the largely "uncontacted" peoples of the Amazon basin. These tribes usually wear little more than loincloths, if even that. Assuming that their diet is much like the diet of other amazon tribes, they live off what they hunt in the forest while their women cultivate small fields, banana being a popular crop.

Do the amazon tribes go to a doctor?

They have a 'witch' doctor. Who will use herbs and ancient medication.

What tribes get affected by the floods in the Amazon?

when the amazon floods it wipes out all vegetation the tribes have to just eat fish and other creatures that live in the Amazon river

How did Eskimo tribes get their food?

they hunt for meat

What tribes live in UK?

There aren't tribes in the UK, its not the amazon rainforest!

How do Aboriginal people hunt Echidnas?

Aboriginal people typically hunt Echidnas by lying in wait for them and spearing them. Some tribes also use small traps to capture these animals.