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Q: What do British people call fries?
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What is the British saying for french fries?

The British call "french fries" "Chips".

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Why do the British call fries chips?

We call them chips because there basically chips of a potato. Similarly what you call chips or potato chips we call crisps because you fry them to a crisp... If anything you Americans should call your "fries" chips because they are chips and your "potato chips" crisps because there fried to a crisp! +++ Also [French] Fries are usually cut thinner than British chips, so are not quite the same thing.

What are potato chips called in Great Britain?

We call them 'chips' in other countries they are known as 'fries' or 'French fries' the confusion arises in America, American 'chips' are what the British call 'crisps' a very thin slice of potato deep fried until crisp and golden.

Why do british people call french fries chips?

I've always thought it was because the pieces of potatoe are "chipped" off the whole. We were always told to "chip the spuds" (what we call potatoes) when we were having "chips" for tea !

Are Paris people famous for their french fries?

French call that just fries. You can eat some in Paris but parisians are not specially famous for them.

How many fries in 1 oz?

Fries come in all shapes and sizes, which depends on the potato they're made of and the country where they're served. British fries (which they call chips) are typically thick while French fries tend to be thinner. There is no way to know for sure how many fries fit in an ounce without specifying their average size.

What do British people call sinks?

They call them sinks.

Why are french fries call chips?

They are called French fries because "to french something" is to cut it into thin slices. The French themselves don't call their fries "French".

What is the British English word for fries?

The food called fries in America are known as chips in Britain.

What do british people call pool noodles?

Some people call them water waddles

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a tourch