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Crime is anathema to Judaism.

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Q: What do Jews think of crime?
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What were the effects of racial crime on Jews?

What were the effects of racial crime on the Jews? If you are speaking of the Jews who were murdered by the National Socialists in Germany, the crime was not racial it was ethnic based. The Germans and the Jews are of the same racial background.

Why were they Jews exicuted for doing nothing?

Because they were Jews. Their 'crime' was being what they were, not doing what they did.

What did people think about Shakespearean Jews?

People think they are Jews of course dummy JEWS JEWS JEWS

Who do Jews think they are?

They don't think, they know who they are. They are the Jews, God's Chosen People!

What do Jews still think about Hitler?

Jews revile him. (I think that is as polite a response as possible.)

What was the circumstances of Hitler's crime?

he murdered over 10 million people and they are jews

Do they put dysentery in Jews?

I think they did to kill the Jews.

Do Jews think about God?

Yes, religious Jews think about God and follow His teachings and instructions.

What crime did Athena Do?

i think she did not do a crime there were not rules to do crimes back then

What did hitler think of the jews as?

Hitler thought of Jews as vermin.

What did Jews do to be killed?

Exist and self-identify. Their 'capital crime' was being what they were, not doing anything that they did.

How does someone create a crime?

They think of the bad thing they are willing to do and do it that is a crime