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Sikhism has no official doctrine about homosexuality, and most Sikh men follow the universal goal of Sikhism to hate nobody. But there are some Sikhs who condemn homosexuality.

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Q: What do Sikh men say about homosexuality?
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Are Sikhs allowed to be gay?

Sikhs have no written doctrine regarding homosexuality;however a Sikh religious leader described homosexuality as "against the Sikh religion and the Sikh code of conduct and totally against the laws of nature," and called on Sikhs to support laws against gay marriage. But many Sikhs reject this idea and accept everyone as equals.Sikhs have no written doctrine regarding homosexuality;however a Sikh religious leader described homosexuality as "against the Sikh religion and the Sikh code of conduct and totally against the laws of nature," and called on Sikhs to support laws against gay marriage. But many Sikhs reject this idea and accept everyone as equals.

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all Sikh men have the last name: singh which means lion.

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Although Sikh tradition has no teaching on homosexuality, Sikh leaders generally condemn same-sex marriage and have worked to oppose its legalization.

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It is called homosexuality.

Should heterosexual men answer questions about male homosexuality?

Since all heterosexual men that are only attracted to the opposite sex have a fear male homosexuality, only gay men and only bisexual men and only men that have bisexual tendencies should be allowed to answer questions about male homosexuality.

Is Kaur an Indian surname?

Kaur is a middle name used by Sikh women as in Singh is for Sikh men.

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Genetic sequences in combination with certain gestational hormones have been linked to homosexuality in men, but whole chromosomes have no correlation to homosexuality.

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some men cover their hair with a "paag"

Can someone who is not born a Sikh become a Sikh?

this is debatable some say to be a Sikh all you have to do is be born as one some say to be a Sikh you should believe in the faith some say that to be a Sikh you must be practising others say that you must be baptised, or at least be planniing to be baptised at some point in your life if you wish to consider yourself a Sikh

Do boy and girl Sikhs wear the Sikh necklace?

There is no such thing as a "SIKH necklace" that is mandated by the religion. Some men and women do wear a necklace with the Sikh insignia but it is not required by their faith.

What does John Cabot like?

John Cabot was actually a homosexual, meaning he liked men. people say that the only reason that he had a wife, was to hide his homosexuality.

What must all men and woman do to show at they are Sikh?

Sikh women can keep their hair long to show they are Sikh and by choice they can also wear a Patka. They can also wear Sikh symbols such as the Khanda, Khesh, Kirpan, etc.