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They bathe a and preen themselves.

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Q: What do birds do to keep their feathers in good condition for flying?
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Bird feathers repel water?

Yes they do. Birds spend a lot of time preening and keeping their feathers in good condition.

Do you have to clean bird feathers?

It is a good idea to clean Bird feathers since birds can carry a wide variety of diseases

Why do birds have 3 types of feathers?

It depends on the bird. Quite often the most colorful displays are because of sexual selection and evolution. When mates go for birds with best and most pretty feathers, they tend to have offspring with very pretty display feathers. And the cycle continues with mates selecting for mates with good feather displays, and good feather displays allowing mating and offspring with good feather displays. With sexual selection, once the cycle starts, evolution takes over and the whatever criteria that is being selected for is hyper accentuated by evolution, because the organism with that does the best because they get to mate, and their kids also are quite likely to share that same quality.

How much grooming is normal for peach-face lovebirds?

Birds, including lovebirds, should spend a good part of their time each day preening their feathers. Feathers are very important to birds as they rely on their feathers daily to get around, keep them warm/cool, etc. Therefore, keeping their feathers in tip-top shape is very important.

Do birds have to be taught to fly?

No, one of the feathered dinosaur know how to fly but they give up flying into the ground to find extra food. Bird don't have to be taught to fly because of their ancestors know how to fly. The birds just know their ancestors at once so their are good at flying exept their babies. Their babies need to know how to fly from their mother after having feathers and beeing throw into the ground until it flap it wings.

Do feather extensions come from birds?

most of them come from chickens (or similar birds) that are bread specifically to have long tail feathers. They have long legs so the feathers don't drag and are usually in their own cages so they don't fight or damage each others feathers. They have really good lives.. until their feathers are gone. Then the farmers don't need them anymore... whoever wrote this is the best

Were does snowy egret migrates?

snowy owls walk with there claws and they fly

How do you tell that boy birds are not girls?

male birds usually have brighter colored feathers than female. There are more specific details for each species, but that's a good starting point.

What is a good sentence using the word indicator?

The temperature indicator is called a thermometer. The birds flying south are a good indicator of winter's approach.

Is it an omen Birds flying into each other?

Any strange or unusual events can be thought of as Omen's. Depending on who is reading them they can be viewed as good or bad omens. No reason why a seer would say that birds flying into each other wasn't an omen.

What are some facts about birds?

Birds are vertebrates (internal) animals. They all have a backbone. Most birds use either legs or wings to move around. Birds don't have fur or hair on their bodies, they have feathers to help them fly. All birds lay eggs mainly in nests. Birds have many interesting facts, for one they have the most flying capacity in the world of any animal. Yet stated and they also have a very good way to obtain food, they have their very long beaks and some have very little beaks.Birds make up another class of vertebrates animals

Why is the ability to fly not a defining characteristic of birds and what are the defining characteristic of birds?

Some birds do not need to fly, such a penguins, because their food is in the ocean, not the air. After time, they have evolved to not fly. A characteristic of a bird is a beak. Every bird has beak. Other animals, such as tortoises, turtles and dolphins, also have beaks. Every bird has feathers. Feathers keep birds warm, to keep the eggs warm and, well, they wouldn't look good without them. Every bird has 2 feet, a tail, a beak, feathers, and wings.