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Q: What do both sharks and dolphins have?
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What do sharks dolphins and whales have in common?

They're both marine animals though the dolphin is a mammal.

How are dolphins and sharks different from each other genetically?

Dolphins are mammals. Sharks are fish. They are very different, though both are vertebrates.

Why do dolphins and sharks look similar?

Sharks and dolphins are not related as sharks are fish and dolphins aquatic mammals. Sharks originate from small fish and dolphins from land living ferret like animals. Their spines both bend in different directions; dolphins move up and down and shraks from side to side. Dolphins are much closer related to dogs than they are to sharks.

What do sharks and dolphins don't have in common?

they both leave in the ocean.

Are sharks scared of dolphins or are dolphins scared of sharks?

shark are scared of dolphin.

What is the relationship between dolphins and sharks?

They aren't any relationship between them as sharks eat dolphins.

Do dolphins attack sharks?

well they are both ways they attack each other

Are Great White sharks dolphins?

No, they are not. Dolphins are a mammal, and sharks are not.

How sharks and dolphins are alike?

they live in the sea, meat eaters, .............................!

What are some similarities between sharks and dolphins?

While sharks and dolphins are certainly very different creatures, they do share some things in common. They both have dorsal fins, side fins and have a torpedo shaped figure. Additionally, they both live in water and are vertebrates.Despite the surface similarities, they are very different animals. Dolphins are warm blooded, while sharks are cold blooded. Sharks' skeletons are made out of cartilage, and dolphins' skeletons are made out of bone. Dolphins nurse their young, and sharks do not. Sharks have no hair whatsoever, while dolphins are born with hair around their noses. Additionally, sharks get oxygen through their gills underwater, while dolphins surface and get oxygen from the air through their blowholes.They both live in water (usually the ocean), they both don't sleep, they have sleek bodies for speed, dolphins, and usually sharks, both eat fish.Both have cartilagesDolphins and sharks are two ocean predators that have to compete for food and territory.They usually co-exist quite peacefully as part of a complex ocean eco-system, but occasionally they do attack and sometimes kill each other under various circumstances.Both are carnivorous (meat eaters)They both have many types, they both live in water, they both have fins, they both eat fish.

What are dolphins enemies?

dolphins enemies are bull sharks tiger sharks dusky sharks and great white sharks.sharks can kill dolphins.

Are sharks and dolphins in the same domain?

Yes they are both eukaryotic, as are all animals.