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While sharks and dolphins are certainly very different creatures, they do share some things in common. They both have dorsal fins, side fins and have a torpedo shaped figure. Additionally, they both live in water and are vertebrates.

Despite the surface similarities, they are very different animals. Dolphins are warm blooded, while sharks are cold blooded. Sharks' skeletons are made out of cartilage, and dolphins' skeletons are made out of bone. Dolphins nurse their young, and sharks do not. Sharks have no hair whatsoever, while dolphins are born with hair around their noses. Additionally, sharks get oxygen through their gills underwater, while dolphins surface and get oxygen from the air through their blowholes.

They both live in water (usually the ocean), they both don't sleep, they have sleek bodies for speed, dolphins, and usually sharks, both eat fish.

  • Both have cartilages
  • Dolphins and sharks are two ocean predators that have to compete for food and territory.
  • They usually co-exist quite peacefully as part of a complex ocean eco-system, but occasionally they do attack and sometimes kill each other under various circumstances.
  • Both are carnivorous (meat eaters)
  • They both have many types, they both live in water, they both have fins, they both eat fish.
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Q: What are some similarities between sharks and dolphins?
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What are some similarities between sharks and whales?

The only similarities would be diet (plankton), size and they both live in the ocean. Some whales eat plankton, as do whale sharks. Some whales are close to the same size as whale sharks. Otherwise, whales are mammals, and whale sharks are fish.

What are the similarities between the sharks and the dolphins?

The relationship between sharks and dolphins reportedly has two sides. On the one hand, they can live and hunt together peacefully. On the other hand, sometimes sharks attack lonely dolphins and sometimes dolphins in a group attack sharks. With their hard and pointed head, the dolphins ram into the smooth belly or the gills of the shark and hurt it. The shark can die because of these injuries. Many cases of dolphins protecting humans from shark attacks have been documented, such as an attack on a surfer in northern California in August 2007. It was also documented off the coast of New Zealand in 2004. Typically, dolphins form a ring around humans who are injured. However, in spite of years of scientific study, there has been no conclusive explanation given for this behavior; as mentioned in the Journal of Zoology, "The importance of interactions between sharks and cetaceans has been a subject of much conjecture, but few studies have addressed these interactions". In some cases, sharks have been seen attacking, or trying to attack dolphins. It is known that when dolphins are seen, sharks are usually nearby. As stated by ISAF: "Remember that sightings of porpoises do not indicate the absence of sharks --- both eat the same food". PIGS CAN FLY

What are some similarities between Washington and Iowa?

the similarities is big and small

What are some similarities between Canada and FIJI?

There is definitely NO similarity or similarities on Canada and Fiji culture.

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no mames

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What some differences between dolphins and sharks?

There are many differences between the shark and the dolphin. Sharks are cartilaginous fish whereas the dolphin is a mammal. Sharks take air in through their gills while dolphins breathe fresh air using their lungs.

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What is the natural enemy of sharks?

It seems to be dolphins, and in some cases, other sharks.

What are some similarities between sharks and whales?

The only similarities would be diet (plankton), size and they both live in the ocean. Some whales eat plankton, as do whale sharks. Some whales are close to the same size as whale sharks. Otherwise, whales are mammals, and whale sharks are fish.

What eats dolphins that live in the ocean?

Sharks will eat dolphins if they are hungry.they will tear them apart or save them for diner.............

Is a sordfish faster than a dolphin?

There are some species of sharks that can swim faster than dolphins (some sharks eat dolphins) but there are on the other fin, species of shark that dolphins are faster than. Mako sharks for instance, do swim at bursts of speed of 50 miles per hour making makos the fastest animals in the ocean. On average speed wise, between dolphins and sharks 50/50. Hope this answers the question.

Where do dolphins sharks and whales live?

Most of them live in the ocean. although there are some lake and pond sharks.

What swimming creature eats fish?

Sharks! (some) Whales! Dolphins!

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Can dolphins eat sharks?

Yes, Sharks can eat dolphins. They are actually part of the diet of the great white shark. It is a common misconception that dolphins go after and kill sharks all the time. It is actually quite uncommonYes, some people think that a dolphin can beat up a shark, but very few dolphins can and will do it. Sharks can catch dolphins if they get close enough. Sharks can reach up to amazing speeds in a short distance, so they will eat a dolphin if they catch one.but that only goes for small dolphins but not the big dolphins.