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Using the word 'sin' as a collective noun (instead of sins) is a remarkably Christian concept, and implies a state of sin, not merely those wrongs that a person might have committed. In particular, Catholicism emphasises the state of original sin, a concept that was never adopted by the Orthodox or Eastern Churches, and which is downplayed by the various Protestant denominations.

Judaism, for example, talks about sins and the expiation of sins. Traditionally, at Passover, the scapegoat was released to take away the sins of the faithful.

Islam's views on the concept of sin more or less follow the ideas of the Eastern Churches.

The Eastern faiths of Asia focus more on righteousness and knowledge than on sin or sins. Worship is emphasised rather than the forgiveness of sins.

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Q: What do different religions say about sin?
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Can gays and lesbians enter heaven?

It depends on your faith. Different religions that believe in a heaven also believe in all different kinds of rule on how to get there.Most Christians will say that gay people are welcome in heaven if they are celibate and have accepted Jesus.Some extreme Christians claim that sin can be committed in thoughts, and therefore gay people can never be considered "repentant."Some liberal Christians say that God forgives everyone, everything, even if you don't ask.There are also many many religions that don't believe in the Christian idea of heaven.

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Depends on your religion but most religions agree that if it is sexual in nature, it is a sin to watch.

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there are all kinds of different beliefs for different religions. Christians believe in one God, other religions believe different from that. some people say the are three gods.

What are the Roman Catholic Church's views on prostitutes?

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