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Q: What do humanists believe about wealth?
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What do humanists believe about the environment?

Humanists believe in the importance of protecting the environment for current and future generations. They advocate for sustainable practices and recognize the interconnectedness of all life on Earth. They emphasize the need for responsible stewardship of the environment to ensure a healthier and more sustainable planet.

What did the humanists believe in?

no god and no one

Where do humanists pray?

I would think the humanists do not pray, in a conventional religious sense, since they do not believe in a deity.

What did humanists believe about abilities?

humanists believed that all people had the ability to control their own lives and achieve greatness

What did northern humanists believe about learning?

I dong Knox

Why do humanists believe that others should be helped?

Humanists are concerned with the welfare of other humans so they want to help others out.

Do humanists believe in God?

Humanists do not adhere to the belief in a specific god or higher power. Humanism is focused on human reason, ethics, and values, and emphasizes critical thinking and empathy rather than religious beliefs.

Do humanist believe in Jesus?

Humanists don't have a religion, therefore they don't believe in Jesus.

What are humanists?

They believe in this. people's duty is to promote human welfare.

What do humanists believe happens to them in life after death?

They have to reason it out.

How do secular humanism view money?

It is important to note that a person that holds a secular humanists viewpoint does not retain any specific opinion regarding wealth, however, it is sometimes incorrectly argued that humanists may be less inclined to share their wealth. Generally, secular humanists see money in much the same way as a person of faith. It would be fair to say that secular humanists are no more attracted to an extrinsic lifestyle when compared with other schools of thought. There is no evidence, for example, that a secular humanist would be less likely to use his or her wealth to support the work of charities; In fact there are many secular organisations which do just that.

Which humanists do not believe in God?

A:Secular humanists do not believe in God. They reject religious dogma, supernaturalism, pseudoscience or superstition as the basis of morality and decision-making, but embrace human reason, ethics, and social justice.