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Most people expect atheists to be like goth or emo people, in my personal opinion they're no different from any other religion, if not happier.

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Q: What do most people think atheists are like?
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Is the true purpose of atheists to annoy Christians?

No. Atheists are simply people who do not think there is sufficient evidence for the existence of a God or gods. While some atheists do bother Christians and can be a nuisance at times, most stay quite and carry on with ordinary lives. Unfortunately, as with all groups, the most vocal atheists are the most noticeable ones. So it is important to avoid making a judgement based on this small portion of a large group.

What are three sentences for the word atheists?

Atheists are people who do not believe in religion.The atheists were the most calm and rational people involved in the debate.Studies find that atheists are generally happier and more successful than those who follow Christianity.

What philosophy do most atheists adhere to?

If by "most atheists", you are referring to the entire world, the population of atheists in China dwarfs the rest of the world's atheist population. Most Chinese Atheists adhere to a combination of Confucian and Materialistic philosophical principles.If by "most atheists", you are referring to Western Atheists, such as those in Europe and Anglo-America, these Atheists adhere to Rationalist Skepticism or Humanism as philosophical principles.

Do atheists have a place to hang out?

Like most people they hang out with people they feel comfortable with. This may include other atheists, interesting people of all stripes, musicians, welders, sky divers, chess players - whatever. Most of these people never bring up the topic of religion as it just isn't that central to their lives or feel that it is none of their business to influence a friends private life.

Why there is an atheist?

There are more than "an atheist". Atheists and the non-religious make up between 7 and 25% of most countries' populationsAs to why there are atheists - you only have to think it through.

How is Christianity viewed by the other religions?

most atheists think Christianity is not good and its members are hypocrites

Is it right to do evil from an atheist perspective?

No. Most atheists believe it is wrong to do evil, as it is for most people. Atheists simply do not think that morality has to come from divine authority. That said, what one person believes to be good or evil may differ from the views of another person, regardless of their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

Were atheists the most despised people after 911?

911 had to relevance to Atheism. It was the source of Islam.

Do you think that most of the people thinks attitude is always negative?

I think most people actually do think that most people's attiutde is negative because if ur a teen like me. Like a rebel then yeah they can see it as negative

What faith do they have in Belgium?

Most people are Catholics I think. I live in Belgium, but there are so many atheists, foreigners.... All kinds of different religions. The young people don't really believe in or follow religion though.

What do religious people think of atheists?

Opinion:Generally, religionists have very little respect for atheists. Curiously, they view the atheist as a threat to their own beliefs and think of atheists in religious terms since they seem to possess no other way to describe how a person views human existence. Perhaps they are put off by fact-based thinking. Many preachers condemn atheists from their pulpits, consider them to be agents of "Satan" and promote a mythology of all the bad things atheists do. Many religionists are obsessed with atheists and believe that atheists are obsessed with religionists. Of course, that is not true since atheists care little for what others believe and are not dedicated to forcing their non-belief on others.

Which state has the most atheists?

I think it's Vermont or Maine. The Northeast and Northwest coasts have the least religious affiliations.