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Matza goes great with many things. My personal favorites are Matza with cream cheese, cream cheese and jellie, and Matza with cheese cooked onto it. Be aware, however, that on Passover some don't put spreads on their matza - called gebrukts, because there might be some flour that didn't get mixed with water, and the spread will make it become chametz.

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Q: What do people normally put on matzah bread?
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Potato starch is OK for all Jews. Sephardic Jews are OK with rice. Ashkenazic Jews use lots of matzah meal. Coarsely ground meal for some purposes, cake meal (finely ground) for other purposes. And, of course, whole matzah or coarsely crumbled matzah farfel have an important place. Matzah lazagne can be made, substituting matzah for flat noodles between layers (put the matzah in dry, and of course, make it vegetarian because meat cannot be included in foods meals that include any dairy products). Fried matzah is like french toast, but made with broken matzah and egg. Some people make it savory, with onions, others serve it with maple syrup. Both are good.

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