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Q: What do scientists believe causes will-o'-the-wisp light hovering over marshy ground?
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What do scientists think is the likely reason tornadoes eventually stop?

Scientists thing that tornadoes usually dissipated when rain-cooled air chokes off the updraft of the tornado's parent storm, which is fueled by warm air. The cold air causes the updraft to weaken.

Where does the gravitational pull comes from?

The details are a bit complicated, and scientists are still trying to find part of the answer. But what you need to know, for most practical purposes, is that the gravitational force is related to masses. Masses attract one another. (According to the General Theory of Relativity, masses will distort space; this space distortion causes the attractive force on other masses. Scientists also believe that the force of gravity is transmitted through a hypothetical particle called a "graviton"; so far, they didn't manage to detect one, and it is expected to be very difficult to detect.)

What star continues to use hydrogen for energy heat from fusion causes pressure that balances the pull of gravity?

I BELIEVE the answer to that is Main Sequence star :)

Why is the earth's moon so close to the earth?

The moon is so close to the earth because the gravity of earth pulls it in which also causes the tides. Some Scientists say that earth is pushing out and leaving the earth a couple centimeters every year.

How does revolution effect seasons?

the revolution causes the changes of whether and the wherther causes the change in seasons. the revolution causes the changes of whether and the wherther causes the change in seasons. the revolution causes the changes of whether and the wherther causes the change in seasons.

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What do scientists believe causes so many earthquakes in the middle of the Atlantic ocean?

scientists believe that the volcano and earthquakes activity in this area are due to the formation of new part of the Earth's crust along the ridge

What do scientists believe causes so many earthquake in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?

scientists believe that the volcano and earthquakes activity in this area are due to the formation of new part of the Earth's crust along the ridge

What does the tilt of earth create?

The tilt of the earth causes seasons and some scientists believe that it may be part of long-term climate change.

Which Scientists discovered what causes stomach ulcers?

1 million!

How do scientists estimate wind speeds of a tornado?

Scientists use the severity of damage that a tornado causes to estimate wind speed.

What date do most people die?

There is no specific date that most people die on. Death rates can be influenced by a variety of factors including age, health conditions, accidents, and geographic location. However, some studies suggest that more deaths occur during winter months and on weekdays.

What do scientists think causes movements of the pates?

Convection currents in the mantle.

Earth scientists assume that the causes of natural events or phenomena can be determined by?

answer it

What causes internal heat in the body and its cure?

i believe hard labour can causes it i believe that some food items such as beans & yam causes it as well as restlessness

Which evidence causes most scientists to believe that seafloor spreading occurs at the mid-atlantic ridge?

Oceanic crust on both sides ofthe ridge shows matching patterns of reversed and normal magnetic polarity

What causes an increased sex drive?

The exact causes of increased sex drive (or 'libido') are still somewhat unknown. However, many scientists believe it is caused by hormone imbalances or by conditions that cause severe mood swings. There are no known drugs that safely increase libido for either gender.

What causes scientists to be concerned about the quality of lake water?

High levels of nitrates.