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Q: What do scientists consider a red star?
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What does the red shift tell scientists?

The redshift tells scientists how fast a star or galaxy is moving away from us.

What will a medium-sized star be called?

Perhaps it is called the Betelgeuse * * * * * But only if you consider a red supergiant to be a medium-sized star!

How do scientists know that Rigel is the hottest star?

Rigel is a blue-white star wich indicates that is a very hot star. you might think red stars are the hottest but no, the hottest are blue-white.

Are red stars old or new?

The color of a star does not directly determine its age. Red stars are large and a little less hot then the Sun. Scientists can use the color of a star to determine its heat and then using that and its mass determine how old it is.

How do scientists determine the element present in a star?

By the star's spectrum.

How do scientists use computers to measure distance from stars?

From what I remember in two geology classes, scientists measure the distance between a star and Earth by comparing "red shift," a shifting of certain bands of light toward the "red" end of the spectrum. The further the shifting, the greater the distance.

Do scientist consider a hypothesis to be a fact?

yes scientists consider hypothesis to be a fact

What planet do scientists NOT consider a major planet?

the only planet that scientists do not consider a planet is Pluto, (but they also found new planets in the asteroid belt.)Pluto

What color star is hotter a red star of a blue star?

The red star is the coolest and the blue star is the hottest

Is red giant a star or a type of star?

Red giant is a type of star.

What type of star are S.E.T.I. scientists aiming their radio telescopes?

the yellow star

Is a blue star smaller than a red star?

It depends on what kind of red star you are referring to. There are red dwarfs and red giants. A blue star is larger than a red dwarf but smaller than a red giant.