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im going to try put this as clear and less sciency as possiable. So bare with me.

When a species elovs into an adapted species, this new trait is a benefit to keep it alive or improve its life. So when a fossil is found it will have simlaries with a modern day animal that it has evoled into.

For example a fossil is found with a hooked beak, dietary sytem and feet like a chicken. If nothing else has more simlaties with it, it will most likely a species that has evolved into chickens. This is not always a relieable way of comparion but it gives a good anylise of the animal.

Hope this helped somewhat. And p.s. look through this yourself children for spelling mistakes before you copy and paste it as ur homework. LOL i know the tricks.

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Q: What do scientists use to study genetic evidence?
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Scientists use a variety of evidence to study early migration, including genetic analysis of modern and ancient populations, archaeological artifacts, isotopic analyses of human remains to trace diet and geographic origin, and studies of ancient pollen and plant remains to reconstruct past environments. By combining these different lines of evidence, scientists can piece together the story of how humans migrated and settled around the world.

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Scientists use a genetic marker to determine the success of a transformation. Genetic markers will change if the transformation has succeeded.

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