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There are more than 6 religions in the world, and some of them are polytheistic, meaning that they believe in more than one God and hence, have more than one name for God. There are also religions that do not include a God. For example, The religion of Buddhism is about spiritual enlightenment rather than the worship of any deity, and although the Buddha is worshiped by some branches of Buddhism, he is worshipped only as an enlightened person and teacher, rather than as a God. In any event, here are some names of God:

In Judaism the original name of God is Yahweh. A later variant is Jehovah. However, most Jews do not refer to God by name, and prefer "Adonai" meaning lord, or "HaShem" meaning the Name.

Christianity generally uses the term God, although Jehovah is also used.

Islam uses the name Allah.

Mithraism (or Zoroastrianism) uses the name Ahura-Mazda.

Hinduism uses the name Brahma for their chief God, but they have many, many more. Vishnu and Shiva are of similar importance to Brahma.

Taoism does not have a deity.

Confucianism does not have a deity.

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1mo ago
  1. Christianity: God
  2. Islam: Allah
  3. Judaism: Yahweh (or Jehovah)
  4. Hinduism: Brahman
  5. Buddhism: Buddha (not considered a god in the traditional sense)
  6. Sikhism: Waheguru
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