

What do the Amish people eat?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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11y ago

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The Amish draw their cuisine from their Swiss-German roots. Being an agro-based culture, their meals are very fresh and do not have the over processed products that the rest of North Americans have on their tables. They bake their own bread from the grains grown in their fields and churn their own butter from the milk of their dairy cows. Their meals are basic but compared to caloric and fat content, the food does have a tendency to be high in those contents. However, being a people of the land they work very hard every day and one will never see a member of their community classed as obese. If you have a local market like I do that has Amish or Mennonite farmers selling their wares at it, but their eggs. Trust me when I say that those eggs are the freshest and best you can get anywhere on earth. Every item that goes on their dinner table has been hand made from scratch in their kitchen.

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As a married couple if you meet and Amish person and want to become Amish you can. There is nothing in the Amish lifestyles that prevents people to converting to the Amish lifestyle.

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Can Amish people eat sushi?

no, im pretty shure that theyre veggies or vegans. theyre super strict. ew.