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Q: What do the Sioux believe about homosexuality?
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The Sioux tribe believed in the god Wakan Tanka.

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Why advocate homosexuality?

There are many people who believe that homosexuality should be condemned and it shouldn't, because it's just as completely natural as heterosexuality.

Is homosexuality unethical?

Although some religious groups and right-wing politicians/followers believe homosexuality is unethical, it is perfectly normal and is not something to be ashamed of.

How religious were the Sioux?

The Sioux and their religion are important to them and to what they believe in, they believe in the Great Spirit (Wakan tanka), the circle of life and the sun dance and so on. In my opinion I think that the Sioux are really actually religious, this is because they do religion practices and have many beliefs and following it in a prescribed sequence.

What Indian tribe does the name Misun mean little brother?

I believe the Sioux

What was the main god of the Sioux?

As a nation the Sioux believe in many things. In their religious traditions, members of the nation honor the earth and all natural forces as their god.

What is it that straight people don't like about gays?

Most Chiristians believe that God forbids homosexuality.

What do Christians have to say about the Sioux Indians?

They say that the Sioux indians are very resourceful people, and admire that quality, however, the Sioux indians, in the opinion of the Christians, will go to hell with the homosexuals because they do not believe in the one Almighty God Saviour.

What does a newborn Christian think about homosexuality?

Some moderate born-again Christians think homosexuality itself is not a sin and is akin to heterosexuality and governed by the same biblical rules about lust, love, loyalty in relationships. Other born-again Christians are fundamentalists who believe that homosexuality is a sin. I don't know what newborns think about homosexuality or if they can be Christian.