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Election is voting for who you want to be your leader. If you do your research you will know who to vote for

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Q: What do the electors actually do?
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Related questions

What part do electors play in naming a new president?

The electors are the people who actually elect the president. When the people vote for the president, they are actually choosing the electors who will cast the official votes for president.

What do electors actually do?

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What do the electors actually do in an election?

the vote

In the US presidential election voters do actually elect electors not the presidential candidates themselves?

Do the voters elect electors not the presidential candidates

Who are electors from each state chosen by?

The electors are chosen by the voters of each state in the presidential election. When people vote for president, they actually are choosing the electors supporting the candidates named on the ballot.

Who are presidency electors?

The electors are the people who officially elect the president. When people vote for president, they are actually voting for an elector who is sworn to support one particular candidate.

Who actually casts the electoral votes for each state?

The states choose as many "electors" as it has electoral votes and these electors elect the president. The electors are elected by popular vote in each state and each candidate for elector swears in advance whom he will vote for. The electors vote their electoral votes in the Electoral College.

What or who are electors?

Such is the name of the people who actually elect the US President. Together, they make up the electoral college which officially elects the President and the vice president. When the people vote for the president every four years , what they are actually doing is electing their choice of electors who are pledged to vote for their party's candidate.

What body ACTUALLY elects the president?

The electoral college elects the US president. When the people vote for president, they are actually voting for the electors who made up the electoral college and who actually elect the president. The electors pledge to support one particular candidate. The electors never meet as a group but each elector votes in his state capital and the votes are sent to the Senate president. They are counted in a joint session of Congress.

Where do electors come from?

Electors are typically appointed by political parties in each state. Each party selects a slate of electors to represent them in the Electoral College during the presidential election. The number of electors assigned to each state is based on its total number of Senators and Representatives in Congress.

What is the collective noun for electors?

electors does not have a collective noun

Who official elects the president and vice president?

They are elected by members of the Electoral College. Each state has a given number of Electors, based on their population. The Electors actually cast their votes for the president/ Vice President.