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It produces bile that breaks down fats and toxins into less harmful substances

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Q: What do the liver and pancreas produce to assist digestion?
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Related questions

Does the pancreas produce the lipase?

Lipase is not produced by your liver. Liver secretes the bile salts. They help in digestion of the fats.

What are the four accessory organs of digestion?

salivary gland, liver, gallbladder, pancreas

What are major organs for digestion?

Liver, pancreas, intestines, stomach.

How do the liver and the pancreas help complete chemical digestion?


What other organs outside the digestion tube contribute to digestion?

Gall bladder, liver, pancreas

How are the liver and pancreas involved in digestion?

The liver helps eliminate toxics from entering your digestive system and the pancreas sends enzymes to the small ingestive.

What is an accessory organ to digestion?

the accessory organs of digestion include the salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gallbladderpancreas

How do the liver and pancreas work together to complete chemical digestion?

no lo se

What is the largest digestive gland?

Pancreas, which releases several enzymes for digestion.

What organs never touch your food still aid in digestion?

Liver & pancreas.

What three organs of the digestive system does food not pass through How do each of these organs contribute to digestion?

The liver, pancreas, and salivary glands are all part the digestive system, but food doesn't pass through them. All three produce enzymes and chemicals that break up nutrients. The liver produces bile, the salivary glands produce saliva, and the pancreas a mix of enzymes. The liver and pancreas work with other systems as well.

What organs produce enzymes that help in digestion?

The small intestine produces digestive enzymes. Certain things that you eat are digested in different parts of the body by different systems.