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When the Celts were dead they were buried according to their tribal or ethnic customs. The territory occupied by the Celtic peoples ranged loosely from the Rhine to the Atlantic and from northern Italy to Ireland. The Romans had little or no input or concern with Celtic burial practices.

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Q: What do the roman do to the Celts when they are dead?
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Where were the dead Celts buried?

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Halloween actually was a Celtic holiday, not Roman. The Celts celebrated All Hallow's Eve, a day in which the spirits of the dead could return to the Earth for that day. It also functioned as the Celtic New Year.

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I assume your talking about ancient Celts the ones in roman times. If so no guns were not invented then if the Celts had a gun they wouldn't have lost so many men to the Romans. MistroJoe

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What are Celtic Romans?

The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.The Celts were/are an ethnic group of people who occupied parts of northern Italy and much of middle Europe. A Celtic Roman would be someone from this group who had gained Roman citizenship.

What were the similarities between Celtic and Roman houses?

The Romans have grass and so do the Celts. The Roman villa and the Celtic hut both have roofs

Who were people living in southeastern Britain when angles and the Saxons invaded that area?

The people in the area, were mainly the descendants of soldiers of the Roman legions. The original Celtic Bretons were ethnically cleansed by the Roman's around 63 AD.

Were the Celts buried?

Yes, the Celts practiced various burial customs, including burying their dead in simple pits or elaborate tombs. Some Celts were also cremated, with their ashes placed in urns or buried in graves. Each Celtic community had its own burial traditions and practices.

How was the roman community different from the Celt community?

The Celts empowered womenwhereas the Romans treated them as mere decorations.