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Im 10 and i learned it in school. They can't eat or drink anything!

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Q: What do they eat when they it is not dawn and not sunset but in ramandan?
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When do Muslim not eat during Ramadan?

They are not supposed to eat while the sun is up (from dawn until sunset).

Why can Muslims not eat from dawn to sunset during Ramadan?

because of their religion

What is the difference between dawn and sunset?

Dawn is when the sun is coming up, sunset is when the sun is going down

When are muslims allowed to eat during ramadam?

Muslims are allowed to eat before dawn, known as suhoor, and break their fast after sunset, known as iftar, during Ramadan. They abstain from food and drink from dawn until sunset as an act of worship and self-discipline.


See Dawn

What time is dinner during the month of Ramadan?

During fasting, not allowed to drink, eat, smoke, or make sex from dawn (just before show up first line of light, usually about 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours before sunrise) to sunset. So, first meal is any time before dawn and last meal just at sunset. During the period of night from sunset to dawn you are allowed to eat, drink, smoke, and make sex.

When can Muslims eat during the fasting month of Ramadam?

Muslims can eat before the Fajr prayer (dawn) and after the Maghrib prayer (sunset) during the fasting month of Ramadan. This means that the pre-dawn meal (suhoor) should be consumed before Fajr prayer time, and the evening meal (iftar) is eaten after the Maghrib prayer at sunset.

Can you drink water during Ramadam?

Yes, a Muslim can eat during the night from sunset until just before dawn

When is the shadow long?

early in the morning and at dawn or sunset

Who celebrates the Ramandan holiday?

Muslims celebrate it

When do you eat during Ramadan?

Muslims wake up an hour or two before dawn and eat. Then they fast until the sun sets. They then break their fast. Contrary to some beliefs, Muslims do not "pig out" all night, then sleep all day. Muslims rest at night just as usual, and may take a nap or two during the day to keep their strength up.

Which holy time requires fasting from dawn to sunset?
