

What do turtles eat besides greens?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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bread crumbs worms

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Q: What do turtles eat besides greens?
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What type of luttuce does box turtles eat?

they don't eat iceberg lettuce, try field greens

What do baby turtles eat besides golden pothos plantsanaris plantsjava fern plants and shrimp?

If you are taking Water turtles (Red Ear Sliders, Musks, Painteds), they are mainly carnivorous at young ages and then become omnivorous as they grow. So as babies, they need plenty of protein - feeding them commerical turtle pellets for baby turtles should be the staple food and add some feeder fish. Then add plants such as red romaine, mustard greens, dandylion greens, etc as they grow. One they are no longer babies, switch to a commercial pellet for adult turtles and keep the feeder fish, and greens going!

What do baby red-eared slider eat?

You can purchase a good quality turtle food and/or leafy greens. You can allow the greens to float in the water. The turtles will bite off of it.

What does box turtles eat?

some might eat hamburger meat, diffrent kinds of fruit [ they llike berries the most] sometimes fish or greens. They can also eat wet dog food. (cat food deforms shells)

What eats jellyfish besides loggerhead turtles?

Sunfish eat jellyfish.And whales eat jellyfish lava only.

What do leopards eat other then mammals?

Leopards will eat fish, or lizards. This is the only food they will eat that is not a mammal, besides berries. They do not eat frogs or turtles, or anything that is not a mammal, besides fish, berries, and lizards.

Do water turtles eat cabbage?

I'm sure they can but an aquatic turtle would prefer collard or mustard greens or aquatic plants.

Do snapping turtles eat grasshoppers?

turtles, not tortoises, are water animals, and need to be hydrated or else they will dry out, tower they bask ( heat up) in the sun because they are cold blooded animals. they bask on rocks, sand, dirt etc, i have not seen turtles bask on grass before, as they naturally tend not to do it

What eats shellfish besides humans?

ender eats weiner all the time

What animals do killer whales eat besides mammals?

Besides other mammals, killer whales feed on birds, sea turtles, penguins, reptiles, sharks and octopuses.

Can you eat the stems on greens?

Yes, it is safe to eat the stems on greens

Can eastern box turtles eat lettuce?

Yes. Box turtles will eat almost any kind of greens. They will also eat broccoli, cabbage, green beans, peas and pea pods and cucumbers. It's easier for them to eat these things if shredded or diced very fine. ^ just be sure not to feed them iceberg lettuce. Iceberg has no nutritional values. it is mostly water. so it will fill them up but not nourish them. In a sense, they will starve. Stick with dark leafy greens but easy on spinach as it can make them gassy.