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Woman may want chocolates, cards, flowers, or for men to propose to them?

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Q: What do women want for Valentine's Day?
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What are bad ways to prupose?

during valentines day and while you are around family. On valentines day because you are already on a romantic date. Women want it to be on a different day and so it will be a suprise. When your with family.... You feel obligated to say yes... even when you dont want to

Is Valentine's Day for men or women?

valentines day is basically an even exchange for men and women . most of the time women always wants to get a gift but doesn't want to give the guy a gift . but valentines day would be so much enjoyable if both parties gave each other a gift . A survey done in 2007 showed that men spend eleven times more on women than vice versa.

What day does Harry Styles Want his anniversary to be on?

valentines day

What Percentage of women send themselves flowers on Valentines Day?

There is no specific data available on the percentage of women who send themselves flowers on Valentine's Day. It is not a common practice, as usually, flowers are exchanged as a gesture of love and appreciation from someone else.

Approximately what percentage of valentines cards are bought by women?

Around 85% of Valentine's Day cards are purchased by women.

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What is the percentage of men compared to woman who buy flowers on valentines day?

Men purchase vastly more valentines than women do.

Is there school on valentines day?

there is no school on valentines day

What holiday does Justin Bieber want to get married on?

He wants to get married on valentines day

How do you ask a girl what they want for valentines?

it depends if you are dating them,if you are, just say" I want to make this Valentines day special for you, what should I get you that will make that happen?"if you aren't say..."are you dating someone?"(answer is yes) "what do you think he is getting you for Valentines day?"-(i dont know) "well what do you want""whatdo you think he is getting you for Valentines day?"(ex. chocolates) "is there anything else you might like?"if they arent dating say..."what do you want, i mean... if your not dating i might as well get you something!"lol hope this helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who spends more on Valentine's Day men or women?

Men buy more flowers on Valentines.

What happened on February 14 1997?

Valentines Day! love ya Valentines Day! love ya Valentines Day! love ya