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A palindrome is a word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward.

For example:

  • Aha
  • Ala
  • Ana
  • Bib
  • Bob
  • Boob
  • Bub
  • Civic
  • Dad
  • Deed
  • Eye
  • Gag
  • Gig
  • Hah
  • Kayak
  • Level
  • Madam
  • Mom
  • Mum
  • Nun
  • Pap
  • Pip
  • Pop
  • Pup
  • Radar
  • Rotor
  • Tat
  • Toot
  • Tot
  • Tut
  • Wow
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Q: What do you call a word when the first or last letter on each line spells out a word?
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What word comes next after Bugles unrest grotto letter esteem?

Stormy (or storms). The words for a 6x6 grid where the words can be read horizontally or vertically. The first letter of each word spells Bugles, the second letter of each word spells Unrest, etc.

What poem has the first letter of each line spell out a word?

An example of a poem where the first letter of each line spells out a word is an acrostic poem. In an acrostic poem, the first letter of each line combines to spell out a word, message, or name when read vertically.

What type of poem is called when a name is given and each letter has a different meaning?

An acrostic poem is a type of poem where the first letter of each line spells out a word or message. Each letter representing a different meaning is known as the mnemonic acrostic, where each letter stands for a distinct concept related to the main word or message of the poem.

Why is the poem 'An Acrostic' by Edgar Allan Poe true to its title?

Acrostic puzzles spell something with the first letter of each line. This particular poem is true to its name because it spells out the name "Elizabeth" with the first letter of each line (Elizabeth, Love, In, Zantippe's, Ah!, Breathe, Endymion, To, His).

How many lines does a acrostics poem have?

An acrostic poem has one line for each letter of the word it spells. The first letter of each line reading down spells a word. So if my acrostic poem were about love, it would be four lines, but if it were about romance, it would be seven lines long.

If b is for bear and and e is for elephant and a is for ant and r is for rat what does each letter of the beginning of these 4 words spell?

The each letter of the beginning of these 4 words spells bear. But each one of those 4 letters is the first letter to another word. Since B is for bear, and e is for elephant, and a is for ant, and r is for rat.

What is an acrostic valentien?

An acrostic valentine is a type of poem or love letter in which the first letter of each line spells out a word or message related to love or Valentine's Day. It is a creative and romantic way to express feelings for someone special.

What do you call a sentence where the first letter of each subsequent word follows chronologically?

An acrostic is a type of sentence where the first letter of each subsequent word follows chronologically to spell out a word or message.

How many stanzas in acrostic poem?

An acrostic poem typically consists of one stanza, where the first letter of each line spells out a word or phrase vertically. Each new line contributes to the overall message or theme of the poem.

What is an acrostic sentence?

An acrostic sentence is a form of writing where the first letter of each line spells out a word or message when read vertically. This technique is often used creatively in poetry, puzzles, or as a memory aid.

What is the acrostic root up?

The root "acrostic" comes from the Greek words "akros" meaning "topmost" and "stichos" meaning "line." It refers to a puzzle or poem in which the first letter of each line spells out a word or message.

What is the answer to puzzle 001 a secret message in spectre's call professor layton?

It's the first letter of each line. HELPSOS.