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Q: What do you call the minimum resting energy expenditure of an awake alert person?
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What term describes the increase in energy expenditure that occurs in a person who fractures a leg?

Adaptive thermogenesis

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Does increasing muscle mass increase energy expenditure?

Yes. For one thing, increasing any kind of mass increases energy expenditure-- yup, it takes more calories for a 200 pound person to climb the stairs than for a 100 pound person. Additionally, muscle mass maintains tone, which is constantly using up calories, as if you were constantly half-flexing.

How is the heart rate of a person running different from their resting heart rate why is this change necessary?

Because your heart needs to burn energy, the more energy you burn the faster your heart rate

What are some examples of gravitational potential energy?

when an apple falls out of a tree, a person jumps off a building and many more

How much energy is the minimum which an average sized person requires each day to be healthy?

1800 to 2400 calories

What does descansa mean in spanish?

Descansa is the third person singular of the present tense of the verb descansar, to rest. It means "he's resting" or "she's resting" or "you're resting."

Whar factors influence nonbasal energy needs?

Basal Energy expenditure is the amount of energy needed by the body for maintenance of life when a person is at complete digestive, physical, mental, thermal, and emotional rest. The factors that influence non basal energy needs are lean body mass, growth periods, body temperature, and hormonal status.

What is A measure of a person's ability to pay a tax?

property,income expenditure,size of the family

Why does a person heartbeat slow down when he or she is resting?

Because your body is at rest. Your heart rate rises when you are moving, exerting energy, exercising, etc. When you are at rest, that is your resting heart rate. If you have a fast heart beat while at rest, you may have high blood pressure or another heart issue. Exercising regularly can lower your resting heart rate. in other words: As the person is at rest you dont require so much energy, so as less energy is required the cells respire at a slower rate, as they respire at a slower rate they require less oxygen and glucose( which is carried in the blood) hence the heart pumps blood at a slower rate due to which the heart beat is slow.

Is there any research which might explain why if a persons energy intake is much less than expenditure why that person would not lose weight?

Because if your not in taking energy your body will store whatever you eat to use for energy. So basically anything you eat your body will hold on to it to keep it functioning. And you will end up losing muscle which is not good

A person's can be determined by calculating his or her resting heart rate?

fitness level