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Run the fur through the DNA analysis, but you find that it is only coyote fur. You will have to go back to Puerto Rico to find more evidence.

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Q: What do you do after you show mews the fur on cryptids island?
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How do you pass the fur identification on cryptids island?

Collect the fur from the fence at the farm of the herder's brother (right side star) at Puerto Rico. Take it back to show to Mews. Follow the steps on the DNA testing carefully. Unfortunately, the fur is from a coyote. Go back to Puerto Rico, where the herder is going after the chupacabra himself.

How do you find the DNA in the fur on poptropica?

you bring the fur to mews and show it to him and then you can find out what fur it is

How do you know when to test the samples on cryptids island?

You can only test two samples: the fur you bring back from your first trip to Puerto Rico, and the egg shells you bring back from New Jersey. Show these to Mews to start the DNA testing (follow the instructions, and even then you may have to do it twice).

Where is the coyote fur on cryptids island?

On your first trip to Puerto Rico, drive the jeep to the other locations. At the upper left, there are Bolt Cutters on the top of the hill. At the right side star, the brother's farm, he says some fur on his fence may be from the chupacabra. Take the fur back to Mews for testing.

How do you extract the chupacabra's fur sample on cryptids island?

Once you have a fur sample from the brother's farm in Puerto Rico, take it back to the Mews lab for DNA testing. Select it from your items to start the test, and follow the instructions. After you move ONLY the x-ray screen into the developer, press the button to see if it worked. You can try as many times as you need to. If you are successful, Mews tells you the result.

How do you analyze the chupacabra fur and jersey devil egg on cryptids island?

At the Mews lab, select a sample from your item bag, and the DNA test will start. Follow the instructions carefully and don't spill anything. When you have the tray completed, move ONLY the x-ray screen into the Developer and press the button. If you are successful, Mews will give you the results.

Were do you find the fur of the cupacabra on cryptids island?

You find it caught on the fence of the farmer's brother.

How do you get the DNA evidence right on cryptids island?

There are only 2 items you check with the DNA analyzer: the fur from Puerto Rico and the egg shells from New Jersey. If you follow the test process carefully (and press the devleop button on the developer), Mews will tell you the results.

How do you identify the chupacabra fur on cryptids island?

You get the fur from a fence in Puerto Rico. Back at the lab, you run a DNA test, but it turns out to be ordinary coyote fur.

How do you get the fur from the fence on cryptids island?

At the herder's brother's house (right side star), there is fur on the fence at the chicken coop. You simply take it.

How do you trap the goats on cryptids island?

After you take the fur from the fence back to Mews, come back to Puerto Rico and steer the jeep to corral 3 spotted goats at Snaggletooth Rock (the center star on the map). Once you have 3 in the center, get out of the jeep there and go to meet the farmer.

How do you get the yeti fur on cryptids island?

You don't. The only fur is the possible chupacabra fur on the fence at Puerto Rico. All you get from your trip to the Himalayas is a lantern and a photo of a footprint in the snow.