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Yes, sometimes mice will chew a holes in walls and crawl inside the holes.

I am not computer literate so I will rely on my husband (the computer genius) to post my story. Bless his heart, he has never faltered in believing me (after 37 years, he still listens).

One fine day in November of 2011 I decided to purchase a bird feeder to help the birds thru the winter. We thought it was such fun to watch them and then the squirrels (who broadcast the seed when they jumped onto the feeder). On occasion when I was running low on bird seed, I'd throw stale bread. That created a frenzy-way too much fun! More bread I'd say! More seed too. The long, dark days became fun. Until dooms day.

Dooms day was somewhere around the end of January 2012. I was in bed (my love sleeps in the next room due to his disabilities). What was that moaning sound? Moan, moan. Then nothing. Until I'd start to doze off. This would occur in no particular pattern so, of course, it could not be heard by anyone but me.

Being terrified of rodents, rats in particular, I was on the phone to Exterminator #1, a guy we had come to our home previously for bee control. He was nice and admitted he was going to retire so he didn't want to go in the crawl space. He also didn't bill us.

Enter exterminator #2. He had never heard moaning sounds and did not have a clue as to what might make these sounds- after 22 years in the business. A friend asked a local gardening store what they thought might make these sounds and an employee said he had squirrels and they were what I was hearing- the babies crying for mama. I called exterminator #2 and played him the sounds of baby squirrels (which the afore mentioned computer guru found). He was at our house the next day to once again look for evidence of squirrels. He even made an extra trip to pick up squirrel repellant (cost to us $50 for the extra trip) and left us with the valuable information . . . "If you find where she is getting in, do not plug the hole or she will eat through the side of your house to get to her babies". Exit exterminator #2.

I decided to have my older granddaughters come and spend the night to document those moaning sounds and reaffirm to myself that I am sane. Would you believe that there was absolutely no sounds made, no movement detected, no evidence whatsoever that we "had company". Remember, I am a grandmother! So now, behind my back I'm getting the snickers and rolling eyes because POOR GRAMMIE HAS lost it.

Before I called Exterminator #3, I had more occasions than I can recall to jump out of bed, take apart my bed; right down to removing the mattress and box springs and even take the mesh material off the box springs BECAUSE IT SOUNDED LIKE ONE OF THE CRITTERS MOANED UNDER MY PILLOW. Because I am relatively regarded as being intelligent and still possess all of my faculties, I did not pass on to my family my escapades during the night but instead kept this to myself. They could NOT be in my mattress- they're squirrels. NOT!!

So, now Exterminator #3 tells me a good news and bad news story. The good news, I AM NOT NUTS. The bad news, the moans I was hearing were not that of squirrels but were from a similar sized animal: Norway RATS. Take a peek at these guys on the internet. Twelve to 14 inch bodies. Oh, and mice too!

Did this happen because we have total slobs living at the end of our block who opt to not have garbage pickup? Folks, I never realized that this was not a requirement in my neighborhood of $300,000-$400,000 homes (we're evidently in an unincorporated section of Vancouver, WA. Code Enforcement tells me). Well, anyway, it doesn't help me in my quest to have my home back to just the two of us!

Exterminator #3: total cost about $3500 (possibly more later) has removed most of the vermin- all they could find which included rats and mice, they took out all of the insulation in the crawl space and the vapor barrier. I think I have reason to celebrate. Every possible entry has been plugged, every inch disinfected, all furnace pipes vacuumed, tunnel holes plugged and cemented; in other words my world is so good and free of vermin.

Unless you count last night. I'm so tired because of constant sleep deprivation for going on five months now. I fall into bed knowing we are critter free- now approaching $6000 because we did not replace the insulation now so we're, hopefully, not giving anybody a place to nest. The reinstall of the insulation will occur in August at a price of $2000.

I put my head on the pillow with the knowledge that we are free (are we?? Two seniors 70 or so, one disabled, now depending on social security and owing so much). I almost jumped out of my skin when the little squeal came from under my pillow. At this point I want to just give up. As I tell my poor husband, I think I have mice in my mattress, am tearing apart my bed in and enlisting help to move the mattress on our back porch. I am wondering if I have lost my mind. Time will tell. At least I did one thing right in my life when I married probably the one and only man who would say he believed me.

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11y ago
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12y ago

Windex or rat choose. They both work fine if you ask me :D

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14y ago

Call an exterminator!!!!!!!!!

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14y ago

you srub them off!

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Q: What do you do if you have mice in your walls?
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How do I get mice out of walls?

Cats are excellent at keeping mice out of houses. If getting a cat is not a possibility, I suggest calling an exterminator who can rid your walls of mice without causing damage to your home.

How can I get rid of mice in my walls?

The mice will come out of the walls when they are looking for food. Place mouse traps near a food source (unset for two days to trick them to thinking the trap is safe). Once the mice are used to that food source, set the trap to catch them. If you prefer not to harm the mice, use mint. Mice dislike the smell and will run away.

Where do mice nest?

Mice will nest just about anywhere they can find. They nest inside walls, crawlspaces, attics, storage boxes, closets, and clothing.

Does mouse eat books?

Mice cannot eat books, books are not digestible by mice, however, mice can still gnaw on books and damage them. Mice gnaw on lots of things. They are known to gnaw holes into walls, for example.

Why do rats and mice stay close to walls?

It is an instinct. Being out in the open makes them vulnerable.

Can a mouse climb walls?

Mice only climb walls if there is something to grip onto. They can't climb on walls in a house, unless the paint has some sort of grip to it. They can't climb glass, either. But when I got a mouse, there was a thin-grated air vent in the cage, and she hung onto that. =3

What is a mice's shelter?

Deer mice find homes anywhere they can, from in old car seats or in between walls of your house to literal cities made under snow and among tall grass.

What is a deer mice's shelter?

Deer mice find homes anywhere they can, from in old car seats or in between walls of your house to literal cities made under snow and among tall grass.

Do mice have hairs on their tail can they run up and down walls Do they have black stripes across their eyes and big ears?

What have you taken?

Can the smell of mice urine and mice dropping get you sick?

Yes. It's not an overwhelmingly strong odor if they're dry, but you can smell them.

What are some general information about mousetrap cars?

It is best if they have night vision sights as Mice tend to be nocternal and chasing them in your Mousetrap car is best done at night. My first was too big and I smashed several walls chasing a mouse into it's hole. Still I hate mice so a few rebuildable walls is an easy sacrifice

Why do mice urinate on the walls?

To mark their trails for other mice to follow.