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Love is the most important thing when it comes to a relationship; however if there is no physical attratcion then the relationship will undoubtedly fail. With this kind of situation it is suggested to either go to couples counseling or if your just dating to end this relationship, as harsh as that may sound. Best wishes.

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Q: What do you do if you love someone so much and find them physically attracted to them and they love you but dont find you physically attractive?
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if you don't feel anything when you physically touch someone, don't fret... it may just mean that you are not physically attracted to them now.. it can (and usually does)change over time, but if you notice that it doesn't, then don't keep stringing someone along.. just breathe and enjoy the ride because that's what relationships are all about.. getting to know someone and then the physical attraction comes along with it :)

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That depends, if you love him but dont feel attracted to him, then it may be ok, as attraction can grow as love grows, but if your not sure whether you are ever going to be attracted to him, then maybe honesty is the best way. I wasn't incredibly attracted to my bf at first but I love and appreciate him in all ways now!

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That thought is all wrong dont try to do that You can't make someone like someone else. If they are attracted to someone of the same sex then they are. Simple as that. You may be attracted to someone, but that doesn't mean they return the feeling or should.

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That all depends on how you yourself feel about that sort of thing. There may seem to be rules regarding this but they are just made up by people that dont know themselves.

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If you are attracted to males and females, then you are pansexual. If you have a preference, you are bisexual. As for needing help, you only need help if it causes you distress. If you are not in distress, you are typically okay. Just talk about it, explore, and you'll be good.

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Why do you say you dont want to be one? Is there a reason? First off, women are beautiful. Men...not so much. I dont think it is odd for you to find someone women attractive. But, if you find NO men attractive, then where does that leave you? Why dont you find them attractive? Perhaps you are a lesbian. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Is your boyfriend still attracted to you?

i dont know i am a boy your boyfriend is probably attracted to you

What does it mean when a guy hugs you tight and says you have nice legs?

It could mean that he finds you attractive and is physically attracted to you. However, it's also important to consider the context of your relationship and his intentions when interpreting his actions.