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ur trying to be something ur not.

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Q: What do you do when people say im a emo poser?
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How do you sleep like an emo?

just sleep like a normal person being emo is not a sickness so stop saying how to do this and that because that just means you are a POSER!!!!!! and emo doesn't mean that you are different its not like an emo sleeps with their eyes open all night and im not saying you are a poser but please stop trying to think that emo is a sickness!!!!!!!! and if your not emo naturally don't try to be a poser because emo isn't a fashion!!!!!!!

When can you say that you are an Emo?

take advice froman emo, if you flat out randomly say im emo i cut ur a poser u don't lie about it if someone asks u unless u find it personal its no biggie a loy of people are just don't let your parent find out counceling sucks! true dat, it does suck... DONT let your parents find out! i don't think that you can really say that your emo, because it's labeling yourself, but if other people are calling you emo, and you think/ know you are, then that's when u know.

Im 12 years old and i want to be a emo is it some kind of phase only thing is i dont wear makeup and i dont want to be a poser wot do i do?

why would you want to be emo? emo isnt a style or look emo means your an emotional person with problems, if your trying to be like that then yes you are being a poser. i think what you mean is "scene"

Is it possible for anyone to be emo?

I should say so, i am one. I have met great many, some posers and some real. It's a lot of work when it comes to clothing but it is well worth it. Im not a poser but i do not mind them. Anyone dressed like an emo is so sexy :)

How old are the people in how to be emo?

dont matter how old you are to be an emo im an emo when is was ........... 10

I have two questions first is can you do a scene hair cut with fine hair and im not emo or whatever but i really like the style i don't want the color or anything would that label me as a poser?

no, not if you don't dress emo.

How do you say emo in japeness?

im emo i like koniwa in kolisha i like a cara

What is a good gift for an emo boy?

Great band t, wrist band, studded belt, cool shoes, umm... skateboard, itunes card... mostly stuff from PAC sun or hot topic, that is what i like XD but im not emo, im just a poser :D

How love emo?

me..i love emo <3 emo my world really EMO in my blOod im cOol girl and i dont care about people and im proudly EMO with my love ::LENO LOVE EMO ((leno love emo on facebook)) leno im emo leen dark thank you with my love emo girl..<3

Why doesnt anyone in your tutor like you because you are an emo?

im not exactly sure why people hate emos im emo but i go to a really excepting school so its not a problem for me but some people say that emos are stupid because they think all emo people cut themselves (which not emo people do) they also think they are weak because they are depressed "for no reason" or some stupid thing like that

I am emo but people think I'm goth what should I do?

yeah i have the same problem.what i do is i just say no im not.but then my friend Brandon says im probaly wont have some one say that sooo just say your emo or just ignor them like i try to do.<3Love, Laura

What is a emo most likely to say?

Most likely to say: Who needs a life? Most unlikely to say: IM OPTIMISTIC, AND IM PROUD!!!